Sentences with phrase «technological wizardry»

"Technological wizardry" refers to exceptional skills and expertise in using and manipulating advanced technology. It suggests someone is highly skilled and knowledgeable in using technology to achieve impressive or extraordinary results. Full definition
Yet The Walk, the latest feat of technological wizardry from Robert Zemeckis, does more than simply send Petit's death - defying stunt into motion.
As with most of Spielberg's sci - fi work like A.I. and Minority Report, the display of technological wizardry in the fictional near - future fascinates the eye.
It's an incredibly advanced country filled with fantastic technological wizardry, but those advancements come courtesy of vibranium, a rare ore found almost exclusively in Wakanda.
Since Pixar's technological wizardry doesn't (yet) include necromancy, Cars 3 casts Chris Cooper as the wizened mentor junker of the wizened mentor junker Paul Newman voiced in the original, allowing the new film to essentially recycle the first film's most affecting relationship.
The BMW M5's 4.4 L V8 engine's technological wizardry includes a cross-bank exhaust manifold.
Naturally, the A45 also boasts a heap of AMG goodies and technological wizardry thanks to the Mercedes - Benz boffins.
by James Howard Kunstler A paradox of life in these times is the inverse relationship between technological wizardry and the satisfactions of being a live organism in a real place (i.e., on the planet Earth).
It all sounds very complicated, and there's an incredible amount of data and technological wizardry involved — but it all happens in less than the time it takes to load a single web page.
They are the products sprung from the latest technological wizardry.
Aside from radar - guided cruise control, a head - up display, and a set of cameras that provide a simulated aerial view while parking and an easier look at blind intersections, there's little in the way of technological wizardry in the X5.
Malik's argument is that Silicon Valley possesses a «distinct lack of empathy for those whose lives are disturbed by its technological wizardry
To help improve the situation, federal agencies are introducing educational programs and grants to train new breeds of scientists who are experienced in both the technological wizardry of computer scientists and the investigative skills of laboratory scientists.
Despite the film's technological wizardry, and its laugh - out - loud physical humor, its true attraction comes from the same place it always has with an Aardman film from brilliant storytelling.
What the movie needs is a director, and what it gets instead is Pitof, a French visual - effects maestro so much fonder of technological wizardry than of human flesh that he manages to turn even his slinky, sinuous star attraction into a digitized synthespian frolicking about endless CGI cityscapes.
Wakandans have developed their technological wizardry from the metallic ore «vibranium,» which fell from space via meteorite millennia ago.
With all this technological wizardry, it would be insane to forget about the single point of contact between the car and road.
There is some technological wizardry that helps the M4 achieve these impressive results.
And it's really the same for the rest of the car, because despite all the technological wizardry it is harnessing, the NSX feels quite natural and intuitive to drive.
Leave it in comfort mode and treat it as a luxury GT, and that's when it truly shines — the vast array of technological wizardry and interior conveniences adding further credence to its executive sedan résumé.
But all of the technological wizardry isn't just reserved for those lounging in the rear compartment.
While some eBooks will remain very much similar to our concept of a regular book now (as they should), enhanced eBooks will become their own genre, replete with all the technological wizardry and components that the medium (tablets, computers, phones, etc.) can afford.
These films, often hilarious or tragically absurd, are made without the benefits of large budgets and technological wizardry.
Tucked away under the striking casing that is Move is a wide range of technological wizardry that assured Sony a place in the motion control revolution.
For all the technological wizardry that has been suggested — from injecting carbon dioxide into deep seabeds to creating a sunshade by shooting sulfur out of man - made volcanoes — there is a simple, obvious, and immediately available solution: We can put the carbon back to work making food to nourish our growing population.
It is a firm with limited resources or one that makes a conscious decision to use all available resources before investing in the latest and the greatest in technological wizardry.
If a nineteenth century corporate solicitor could step across time and through the office doors of a 21st century law firm, he would surely be dazzled by the technological wizardry that has utterly transformed the speed and efficiency at which law is practiced today.
If a nineteenth century corporate solicitor could step across time and through the office doors of a 21st century law firm, he would surely be dazzled by the technological wizardry that... [more]
The legal controversy is real but also overshadows the implications of the service for TV viewing and the technological wizardry that makes Aereo work.
No technological wizardry required here.
The new approach to safety goes well beyond gadgetry and technological wizardry.
Two simple steps will help sellers improve lighting in their homes without any technological wizardry and minimal expense:
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