Sentences with phrase «technology as a blanket»

It can be easy to think of technology as a blanket solution to many of challenges facing your business.

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For his part, Aborn believes Bratton, who returned as the city's top law enforcement officer in January 2014, has put in motion a technology - driven strategy of «precision policing» that targets «criminal elements» to keep crime down — without alienating minority communities with blanket enforcement actions.
And it did not say that mass screening is ineffective at catching deadly cancers, merely grossly inefficient, which is as much a commentary on the inadequacies of current screening technologies as on the ineffectiveness of blanket prescriptions.
The authors say that as energy storage density improves — and with their work it is now approaching the capacity of lithium batteries — applications for the new technology include such possibilities as solar pads that collect energy from the sun by day, then store it for heating food, living spaces, clothing or blankets at night.
But just as diesel was enjoying a renaissance — Dieselgate blankets the technology's image in a dark, noxious cloud of deceit.
Sam Glover: That's kind of, maybe we should give that as a blanket disclaimer because every time a new technology comes out, everybody says, «Oh well it won't work for this,» okay fine but it does work for other things.
But a patent as broad and generic as Microsoft's risks cutting off innovation well short of that goal: overbroad patents blanket an entire field, rarely disclosing any information of value about the underlying technology.
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