Sentences with phrase «television or radio»

Listening to advertisements on television or radio also does not seem to give much help.
Your list may include a combination of newspapers, magazines, websites, blogs or television or radio stations.
This may include media buys for television or radio advertisements, law firm video marketing, lawyer - to - lawyer referral networks and more.
Any thoughts about which is less stressful: television or radio interviews?
Half have been featured in local or regional newspapers and 25 % have appeared on local television or radio.
It is used to transmit the information be it audio or video to a large audience through electromagnetic spectrum such as television or radio.
Today the easy answer of placing an ad in the local paper or buying a reach program on television or radio is no longer a reality.
The main duty of an Assignment Editor is to supervise and coordinate the activities of the staff who gather news for television or radio.
Social media allows politicians and others trying to influence elections to target particular voters at a relatively low cost compared to television or radio ads that reach a broader audience, said Borrell executive Kip Cassino.
Please note that while we not have televisions or radios in our houses, we enjoy the unique sounds of nature rarely found in hotels elsewhere in Bali.
The average damages awards for cases involving journalistic publications (newspaper, television or radio broadcast) versus non-journalism cases were compared.
It also covers collision damage by falling trees, lamp post, electric poles, breakage or collapse of television or radio aerials or satellite dishes, and any damage by civic authorities in avoidance of fire.
In his departure from The Tonight Show, O'Brien was legally prohibited from making television or radio appearances of any kind.
Electricity means children can study at night, electric stoves can be used instead of pollution - emitting coal, and people can have access to a wider community through television or radio.
By widening their audience, they may get more sales for subsequent books, more television or radio appearances, or more gigs on the lecture circuit.
when it is spoken by one person, edited, to a million people at once via a book, television or radio rather than one person talking to another?
Tom Mazzie discussed the usefulness of building monthly contributor base — donors who give a set amount every month, much like members of a public television or radio station.
The people of Connecticut deserves the truth and a discussion on television or radio about the truth behind the corporate education reform industry's efforts will provide Connecticut's citizens with the information they need to tell fact from fiction.
Gathering inspiration from the interference waves of analog television or radio, where a third image or sound is produced from the overlay or combination, this program likewise investigates the crossover between time - based works and standard exhibition presentation.
The announcement may seem like a small step that falls well short of opening the Court to television or radio broadcasting.
No recommendation or endorsement of The Cochran Firm - Ohio - is implied by reference to any newspaper or television or radio station.
«Though you may not have heard of it on the front pages of your local newspaper, online news source, or local television or radio news program, saturated fat plays a couple of key roles in cardiovascular health.
In the U.K.. You'll see very few campaign ads on television or radio.
«In my view they should be treated as media even if they do not correspond to the media concept of television or radio,» he said in Berlin.
Every time you turn on the television or radio, it seems, there's a new set of sexual harassment claims being discussed.
So take the time to really understand what makes a news story and what makes it work for print, television or radio.
David Levy (President of the Caucus of Producers, Directors, and Writers) explains that some 20 years ago sponsors normally purchased a whole series of programs on television or radio — Kraft, Hallmark, Texaco, and so on — but that today sponsors only purchase time — a few minutes of spot advertising on many different programs.
It passed public health legislation under which advertisements on television or radio «for beverages containing added sugar, salt or artificial sweeteners and for food products processed and sold in France must contain health information».
No television or radio noise on, all the curtains closed and this will help your twins fall asleep smoother.
It is also important that mom is cautious with co-sleeping, night lights, and letting baby go to sleep with the television or radio on.
Turn on the television or radio, or open the newspaper, and see that you're surrounded by advertisements aimed at catching your attention.
Research suggests that the majority of the electorate is as likely to get their political news from the television or the radio.
Oxford buddies Whenever I listen to myself on television or the radio, I think «my God, I sound very posh!»
A soap opera or soap, is a serial drama on television or radio that examines the lives of many characters, usually focusing on emotional relationships to At Il Giardino after dark, the wind whipped around the bundled - up Shirley, Saul, and Sally during their patio meal.
Additionally, 3,000 media representatives attend the SEMA Show to obtain content for their newspapers, magazines, blogs, and television or radio programs.
The author who can generate sales from a television or radio interview is the author who knows how to relate to the specific audience listening to that show.
For example, neither the expense of sponsoring a television or radio show nor the expense of distributing free food and beverages to the general public is subject to the 50 % limit.»
Sometimes, it seems like you can scarcely turn on your television or radio or web browser without seeing someone offering...
Advertising on television or radio and direct mail marketing can swallow your profits or investments quickly.
The print media is better at that than television or radio — bloggers can go either way.
Getting on television or radio, and getting coverage in area newspapers and online news sites, helps everyone know the work that you do for animals and people alike.
If you have to leave him alone during the day, try leaving the television or radio on for him to help ease his loneliness.
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