Sentences with phrase «tell whether students»

As I've reported in Slate, the push toward computer grading of student essays has a lot to do with saving money; while the technology can assess grammar, spelling, and structure, it can not yet tell whether students have real knowledge of facts from the curriculum.
The Education Trust, for example, is urging states to use caution in choosing «comparative» growth models, including growth percentiles and value - added measures, because they don't tell us whether students are making enough progress to hit the college - ready target by the end of high school, or whether low - performing subgroups are making fast enough gains to close achievement gaps.
It's also how to tell whether students know what they're talking about.
These results tell us whether a student attending a randomly selected charter school will perform better, on average, than a similar student attending a traditional public school.
Our current assessments can tell us whether a student has arrived, but they don't tell us whether the students who haven't arrived are on their way, made a wrong turn, or have a flat tire.
This document can tell you whether a student is performing at the expected level, or is at risk for struggling.
The award listings have minimal information, making it difficult to tell whether the student actually matches the scholarship's eligibility requirements.

Not exact matches

The fake news element tests skills like whether a student can tell when data is being presented in a misleading way, and whether students can distinguish between facts, opinions, and propaganda.
Whether you've got student loans or a trust fund you never told your partner about, it's time to come completely clean and make sure your partner knows exactly what's in your name in case something happens to you.
Moreover, it is now doubtful whether the efficient market hypothesis makes any kind of sense. Indeed, a great many economists and bankers have discovered Minskyâ $ ™ s views on financial fragility and his financial instability hypothesis, according to which banks and financial markets can not be left to themselves: we need regulations even though regulating markets may not succeed in avoiding another crisis once the memory of the current crisis has faded away.As told to me by a law student recently hired by Blackrock, the largest asset manager in the world, with assets totalling more than 3,500 billion dollars â $ «thatâ $ ™ s one and a half times larger than UBS and twice as large as PIMCO â $ «many asset managers are now turning away from hiring neoclassical economists and actually prefer hiring engineers, sociologists and even philosophers.
In one experiment, researchers told the students the test they were taking would gauge their career success and then asked students whether they believed God had a hand in that success.
When I asked whether the neighbors think Rutba is weird, Jonathan said, «You should hear [the high school student] tell his friends where he lives.
Whether it was by Lane Kiffin or another one of the coaches, no Student Manager would do this without being told to.
At Castilleja, the only prize you get for a senior talk or 8th grade speech is flowers — flowers and the comments of teachers and students alike who will tell you «congrats on your speech» and «great speech,» whether you have spoken to them before in your life or not.
That would mean tens of thousands of students will continue to be tested against standards that don't tell them or their families whether they are prepared for college.
It is however not clear whether this attire is their official uniform but one of the students told that «this is the uniform we were asked to sow.»
Gove told the BBC's Politics Show: «At the moment we're consulting on how the people premium, which is the additional money, the additional # 2.5 bn that we've made available for the poorest students, will be allocated, and it depends precisely on whether or not we allow the people premium to go to slightly more children, or we target it very narrowly on the very poorest.
Researchers at Haifa University in Israel could tell whether or not students were writing the truth by analyzing these physical properties of their handwriting.
Because the moral dilemma with the two boys had little in common with the wolf exercise, students» reasoning on whether Jack should tell on his friend Thomas provided strong evidence as to which children were competent decision - makers and were able to apply those skills in an unrelated situation, the researchers wrote.
Whether or not these issues stop students from returning, here are eight things your students may not be telling you:
Many teachers, for instance, told OSSE that they didn't know whether student absences were excused or unexcused absences (only unexcused absences count against graduation).
But at face value, whether a student can or can not carry a machine around all day tells us little to nothing about a school's actual pedagogy, about the quality of interactions between students and teachers, or about the rigor of the software programs delivered through those devices.
Whether the assessment is a test, project, oral report, or performance, the students must be told:
Whether you show completed projects to the class alone or to the entire school or even the whole community, present the stories your students tell.
Most of the time, there are several gems buried in a list that tell me things about my students» preferences that I can easily address, whether regularly («Please don't call on me without warning») or on a random day («I challenge you to a Bananagrams match!»).
As one school board member, reflecting on LA Unified School District's attempts to recover from a disastrous iPad roll out last year, told the LA Times, «Why would we treat all our studentswhether they are a first - grader or a high school freshman — as if they all had the same technology needs?
Evaluation of these new efforts will tell us whether a combined sequence of academic and CTE courses can benefit students not only in career academies but also in other educational settings.
It's critically important that states tell parents, teachers, and kids the truth about whether individual students are on track for college or career.
To keep students from revealing the secret of the game, you might let them tell some of their peers whether they are correct as the scissors are passed.
Thus, Bogost's critique presented Darvasi's students with a terrific teachable moment in which they could engage in critique and debate over whether digital games can — or should — be used to tell stories.
Students can tell if we are warm and inviting and whether or not they can entrust us with their stories.
A starter to focus students on questioning why people vandalise works of art, thinking outside the box to lead into discussion whether graffiti is art or vandalism, and how can you tell the difference.
Test scores may tell us something about whether a student will graduate from college, get a job, and so on.
Whether a student can or can not carry a machine around all day tells us little to nothing about a school's actual pedagogy, about the quality of interactions between students and teachers, or about the rigor of the software programs delivered through those devices.
Such statistics tell us nothing about whether disabled students are learning.
So the next time someone asks me why it matters whether students go to art museums or see live theater, I can tell them that there is at least as much rigorous evidence showing the long term benefits of cultural activity as there is for interventions designed to boost standardized test scores.
When feedback is given with details about the correct answer, students learn more than if they are just told whether the answer is correct or not (Wiliam, 2010).
One student asks whether she can swim, and Gilbert tells him she's planning to participate in an annual swim event from San Francisco Bay's famed Alcatraz Island, a 1.5 - mile - long open - water race.
«Gateway characters opened up many other characters that could be engaged in any order,» O'Shea said, «so there was much less chance that students would be able to tell whether they were ahead or behind by looking at other groups» positions.»
«What we wanted with the CIS [evaluation] was to really have a look at how we could measure whether we were developing global citizens and the degree to which the program in the school curriculum, and generally, was helping our students become international and intercultural,» Reddan told Education Matters magazine.
Victorian educator Seamus Curtain - Magee — mentor to one of the 2017 winners, Team Kalianna — told Teacher, students also benefited from the teamwork aspect, working to deadlines and taking personal accountability for their contribution to the final product (whether it be in storytelling, music creation, artwork or coding tasks).
It makes it easier to tell whether a given student's poor performance is an exception within a class or whether the whole class is doing poorly relative to the country as a whole.
But it does not tell us whether teacher disagreements about black students mean that black teachers are overly optimistic or white teachers are overly pessimistic.
Alfred S. Regnery, administrator of the Justice Department's office of juvenile jus - tice and delinquency prevention, told members of the Senate Subcommittee on Juvenile Justice that the department is examining the Supreme Court's landmark 1975 student - rights decision, Wood v. Strickland, to determine whether it is possible to change the federal statute on which the...
«Sure beats the «What I Did This Summer» assignment, and it still gives you a chance to assess whether your students can write sentences and paragraphs,» she told Education World.
Remember to acknowledge, applaud and recognize all the good choices your student made throughout the incident — whether that choice was telling you or not retaliating with further hurtful statements.
Whether students tell a story based on fitness data like the Fitbit or use the Apple Watch's heart - rate data to write about an exciting day, providing meaningful context for storytelling while engaging students with new technology can help them think outside of the box.
But Clark is unapologetic about telling students who aren't willing to do their work — whether at school or on the job — that they can't stay.
A similarly sly autolatrous tactic, plentifully deployed, is Esquith's portrayal of just about everyone he meets as well meaning but misguided, whether it's the Dodger Stadium tour guide who mistakenly believes that his angelic preteen coterie is «extraordinary,» or the TSA employee who can't comprehend that his wholesome pupils would choose not to tote Game Boys onto an airplane, or the flight attendant who can't grasp that his cherubic students won't need DVD players for their traveling duration — that, as Esquith tells her, «they're going to read.»
Honestly, who cares whether students can conjugate verbs correctly if they can't tell someone what they need?
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