Sentences with phrase «telling indicator»

Then, employ an effective money management system and use charts and patterns to create telling indicators.
There is an even more telling indicator of the state of the Greenland Ice Sheet than the total area melting on a single day, and that indicator is the melt index.
While doubts among women proved to be a more telling indicator of marital problems later on, researchers in the UCLA study say that doubt proved to be a decisive factor among all the couples that participated in the study.
Did you know that the state of your hair and nails can be some of the most telling indicators of overall health?
A big change to a LinkedIn profile is an especially telling indicator, of course, but don't ignore Facebook, Twitter or Instagram: Makeovers on these social platforms might mean your employee is housecleaning to secure a new gig.
Whether you think it's an incredibly telling indicator of a person's character and values or you consider it about as significant as their favorite color, chances are you've been asked your «number» — that is, the number of people with whom you've been sexually intimate — more than a few times.
Voting and holding a «Save My School» sign at one - day rallies are important, yet they rank among the least telling indicators of families» fidelity to the school choice journey.
Trial Masters ™ maintains that this trait is as telling an indicator as any to determine if an attorney can be counted on to deliver favorable results — case after case.
An even more telling indicator, however, is actual ticket sales, and those numbers are even more dire: U.S. theatrical attendance fell to levels not seen since 1995.
The most telling indicator of a secondary headache among pregnant women proved to be high blood pressure.
Its authors point instead to another more telling indicator: the employment rate of people 55 and over, which has grown steadily since the 1990s.
But you are right that this has been a telling indicator in the past and is still worth watching.
In future articles within this series, we'll take a closer look at why «smart money» and «reverse line movement» are telling indicators — and how they work on a more fundamental level.
Some others put it in more sophisticated phrasing saying that the overproduction of institutions can become another telling indicator of the intellectual deadlocks of the European project.
One telling indicator of the race: Democrats are working overtime to link Trump to Heck in TV ads (something they hadn't done elsewhere before last Friday's revelations), a sign that voters thus far, including Latino voters, are making a distinction between the two men.
Researchers at the Konrad Lorenz Institute for Evolution and Cognition Research in Austria recently found one more telling indicator: Octopuses, which rely on monocular vision, favor one eye over the other.
I've long held that performance should go well beyond academics; how schools treat their most vulnerable is a telling indicator of their quality.
Pretty much all text must be tapped into a magnified view, and that's a telling indicator of why so many people avoided 7 - inch tablets the first time they were floated to the public last year: They suck for web browsing.
A telling indicator of economic status is housing starts — the number of houses that begin construction.
We're drawing closer to the release of Batman: Arkham Origins for the Sony PlayStation 3, Microsoft Xbox 360, PC, and Nintendo Wii U, and while I remain interested in the single - player story mode, I'm less enthused about the multiplayer modes (note that the Wii U version will not include the multiplayer modes, another telling indicator about that console's current status in the industry; but I digress...).
For me, the most telling indicator is a negative one, the absence of basic quantifiable data.
A store's performance on Black Friday can be a telling indicator of its overall holiday / fourth quarter performance.
The answer is a telling indicator of your team's potential.
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