Sentences with phrase «telomere shortening»

This study was conducted to investigate whether maternal smoking during pregnancy was associated with telomere shortening in their children and whether prenatal and childhood exposure to environmental tobacco had any impact on this association.
Prenatal tobacco exposure was associated with telomere shortening in children.
Previous studies on telomere length in children focused on severe environmental adversities in early childhood such as living in institutions23 and prenatal tobacco exposure, 24 and demonstrated that the adverse living environment led to telomere shortening in exposed children.
The title of her thesis was «Chronic oxidative stress and telomere shortening».
Two foods were associated with telomere shortening — accelerated aging; you tell me which ones.
a diet rich in phytochemicals from colorful plant foods like vegetables, fruits, nuts, spices, and teas can reduce oxidative stress and slow the processes of telomere shortening.
Studies have shown a diet rich in phytochemicals from colorful plant foods like vegetables, fruits, nuts, spices, and teas can reduce oxidative stress and slow the processes of telomere shortening.
So there's the mitochondrial theory of aging, telomere shortening (we are conceived with 15,000 basepairs, born with 10,000, and are dying of aging at 5,000), and growing hormonal imbalances and incomplete cell division as factors in aging.
Check my Snapchat at and you will see some shocking news I just discovered about reversal of my telomere shortening and my longevity N = 1 experimentation.
Good news: it is possible to reverse telomere shortening.
The way of eating outlined below also will slow down your telomere shortening (your «biological cell clock»), which is very important for anti-ageing and longevity.
In addition research has shown that those individuals that have higher levels of EPA and DHA (found in cold water fish), have a shorter rate of telomere shortening, which is the biological aging marker, so this means the aging process is slowed down.
Telomere shortening — Telomeres are repeated DNA sequences located at the ends of chromosomes.
In this podcast I discuss some of the mechanisms by which chronic stress (and rumination) affect the brain and brain aging, the gut and inflammation, the immune system, and biological aging through acceleration of telomere shortening.
A decreased rate of telomere shortening can thus be equated with a decelerated rate of aging.
In fact, the degree of telomere shortening was equivalent to an additional 4.6 years of cellular aging.
According to a study carried out at the University of California at San Francisco, drinking 20 ounces of sugar - sweetened soft drinks daily was associated with telomere shortening in humans.
This cellular damage affects proteins and DNA replication, and inhibits repair through many complex processes, including telomere shortening in the DNA components.30 - 31
High levels of insulin in the body has been linked to accelerated aging and telomere shortening.
Poor sleeping habits, whether from conditions like sleep apnea, insomnia or just erratic work schedules, have been linked to accelerated aging and an increased risk of heart attack, stroke, diabetes and telomere shortening.
To put this in perspective, that's the same degree of telomere shortening seen with daily smoking — which suggests that sugary soda is as dangerous as cigarettes.
He added that it's important for people to understand that heavy drinking causes telomere shortening, because «awareness of this fact provides important information necessary for people to live healthier.»
p53 not only down regulates cell division during the normal process of aging and senescence, but it is also involved in a response to DNA damage [27,28] and telomere shortening [29].
Such mice have a fully functional catalytic telomerase subunits, but suffer progressive telomere shortening.
To rigorously test for any non-TMM effects of TERT requires confidence that any phenotypic abnormalities are not related to telomere shortening per se.
Telomere shortening and ageing.
Telomere shortening induces cell intrinsic DNA damage checkpoints and cell extrinsic alterations that impair the stem cell function and maintenance during aging of telomere dysfunctional mice.
Telomere shortening induces checkpoints of stem cells.
Telomere shortening and progressive impairments of tissue renewal in mTERT — / — and mTERT + / — mice on this background was similar to that in mTR — / — and mTR + / — mice, respectively.
Telomere shortening occurs in human cells because the enzyme telomerase that adds DNA to the telomere is only active in few cell types, namely stem cells, and is turned off in most other human cells.
As a consequence, telomerase regulation and telomere shortening can not be studied in mice and must be understood in the context of a primary human cell system.
Cellular senescence is often fueled by nuclear DNA damage followed by chronic DDR activation; telomere shortening, mitogenic oncogenes, or intrinsic DNA damage can lead to different types of senescence limiting the replicative lifespan of cells.
Accelerated telomere shortening in response to life stress.
Before this discovery, cells used in laboratories always carried a shelf life linked to telomere shortening.
If this precious enzyme can stave off telomere shortening, then can't it also allow us to prevent death — or even reverse the effects of ageing?
Using this assay, her group has identified a protein complex that inhibits telomere shortening while it promotes telomerase action.
DNA damage, telomere shortening and cell senescence also change methylation patterns.
Up to now, it was assumed that by suppressing the telomerase activity, tumor cells might be eliminated due to telomere shortening.
Disruption of this structure caused DNA synthesis to proceed beyond the normal template boundary, resulting in altered telomere sequences, telomere shortening, and cellular growth defects.
In the absence of telomerase, telomere shortening limits cellular life span and prevents tumorigenesis.
For instance, Cawthon points out, it's important to learn whether telomere shortening actually causes disease or is just a side - effect of something else.
While telomere shortening happens naturally with aging, researches indicate the process is accelerated by psychological and biological stress.
Telomere shortening limits the number of divisions that cells can undergo.
Understanding the regulation and limitation of the telomerase enzyme holds the promise of reversing telomere shortening and cellular aging with the potential to extend human lifespan and improve the health and wellness of elderly individuals.
Previous work published by Samani has linked telomere shortening with heart disease, suggesting that biological age may be more relevant to age - related diseases than chronological age.
And would fasting regimens exerting beneficial effects be accompanied by telomere shortening in descendants?»
While everyone's telomeres dwindle as they grow older, a big split occurs after age 50, when telomere shortening among men accelerates.
Yamaki added that it's important for the public to understand that heavy drinking causes telomere shortening because «awareness of this fact provides important information necessary for people to live healthier.»
«We know telomere shortening drives cells into senescence.
«We also found an association between telomere shortening and thiamine deficiency (TD),» said Yamaki.
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