Sentences with phrase «temp anomaly»

What is interesting, is that it seems to be somewhat consistent to the shape of the global temp anomaly over the past 2 - 3 decades.
I don't know why I did paired analysis, I guess because it seems the SST temp anomalies move seasonally.
Vukcevic, the correlation in the magnetic field intensity and arctic temp anomaly is way too good to be a coincidence.
# 42, John Fnn, I doubt that surface temps are doing a good job at measuring temp anomalies, because of stable weather from unusual planetary wave placements which sometimes give a rather large temperature anomaly noise signal.
The world wide temp anomaly is sometimes deceiving when interpreted by lobbyists, any normal climatologist would focus on the areas of the world where feedbacks are strongest to confirm without a doubt that AGW is present.
and plotted the global temp anomalies from the CRU dataset against them.
, NHEM temp anomaly would be in the vicinity of +0.25 rather than +.31 which still supports Afonzarelli comment that «(the northern hemisphere is having a greater affect on the global temperature anomaly).»
I was not basing my comparison for the standard error to an IPCC «projection», but instead to a regression done on the average temp anomaly data for the past century (and past century and a half, resp.)
M77 says: June 8, 2010 at 12:45 am Vukcevic, the correlation in the magnetic field intensity and arctic temp anomaly is way too good to be a coincidence.
So if I look at the spectral graph of the sunspots and temp anomalies (in my case East England) and I see spikes close to temp variations and sunspot activity, I think it would be reasonable to look if there was a correlation.
However you are wrong about the time series: the actual coefficient on rainfall anomaly from 1960 - 1990 as function of mean temp anomaly is POSITIVE and statistically significant (t = 2.8) even for 1970 - 2005.
The temp anomalies image above suggest there is a fair amount of warm water left.
After looking at the scatter plot, not only was there no tread, the quadrant «warmer & drier» had the fewest data of all (20); «warmer & wetter» had the most (32); the driest year had a negative temp anomaly, and the wettest year a positive temp anomaly.
By the way, do the data used for the temp anomaly in that video have any bucket adjustments for the ocean and any location adjustments for the land?
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