Sentences with phrase «temporal character»

My interpretation of Ford's position, therefore, is that he construes the temporal character of an extended linear series of occasions to be a series of phases punctuated by demarcations of discontinuity.
The reasons for the difficulty in answering what time is are several, including the paradoxes of being and non-being; the experiential and emotional weightiness of the subject (consider, for example, the temporal character of hope, despair, regret, satisfaction, and boredom); and the metaphysical centrality of time in understanding such things as substances, events, causation, and consciousness.
It is not enough to oppose philosophical concepts of timeless eternity by asserting the temporal character of God's action in history (the economic Trinity).
Also to be noted is the temporal character of the process itself and of the process as related to its objects.
As a matter of fact, the temporal character of process only heightens the difficulty.
In other words, the temporal character of process emphasizes transcendence rather than immanence.
The reasons for the difficulty in answering what time is are several, including the paradoxes of being and non-being; the experiential and emotional weightiness of the subject (consider, for example, the temporal character of...
Though the liberal doctrines of progress did not squarely face the fact that «nature intends to kill man,» there was an element in the liberal view of the meaning of the temporal character of life which is valid.
They do not in themselves possess even spatial and temporal character.
A possible exception to the temporal character of this distinction is the primordial envisagement of eternal objects, which escapes its scope by being nontemporal.
These Peircean categories ale important in the present context in showing that for my interpretation of Hartshorne, the temporal character of events is not merely discrete or atomic, not merely a case of Firstness, which would indeed be locked into the present.
Just as the pictures marked time in the pages of the calendar, they serve in Stingel's canvases to articulate painting's own durational or temporal character.
With this in mind, here's a visual reminder of the spatial and temporal character of the Ridiculously Resilient Ridge of 2013 (or, for brevity's sake, the RRR):
a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z