Sentences with phrase «temporal power»

"Temporal power" refers to the authority or control that a person or organization possesses within the earthly or material realm, usually in contrast to religious or spiritual authority. It is associated with governing, influencing, or directing worldly affairs, such as political, social, or economic matters. Full definition
Religious freedom is the first of human rights, for it is religion that grounds the dignity of the human person in his relation to an authority that transcends temporal powers.
This obvious principle of discontinuity, or discreteness, is balanced by the fact that all such elements are caught in the one ontic power of the superordinate entity and, where action is at issue, in the act - temporal power of one of his acts.
Justice is the «alien» or «left - hand» rule of God through temporal powers, while love is the «proper» or «right - hand» rule of God through the Church and the gospel she proclaims and lives.
Charles [who became Charlemagne] early acknowledged the close connection between temporal power and the church.»
And is not the wielding of such temporal power precisely what Dostoevsky hated about Rome?
Is Prof. Delasanta not admitting that the papacy, especially the current Pope, has wielded amazing temporal power as a primary agent in bringing down one of the most powerful empires ever?
With this edict, the Church and state, the spiritual and temporal powers aligned and gave each other mutual support.
Did not the members of this Church take their orders from a foreign pope, and did not the pope claim temporal power, and did not Catholics insist upon teaching their children in their own way rather than in the American public schools, and was not all this un-American and treasonable?
5 - Use neither lies, nor spiritual doctrine, nor temporal power to dominate and exploit others.
The doctrine that the holy war was not necessary was, of course, pleasing to the British since those were the days when the Indian Muslims were carrying on agitation to restore the Caliph of Turkey to his temporal power.
He also involved himself in political controversy (he was a supporter of Italian unification, while striving to retain a place for the temporal power of the popes), and ecclesiastical debate (it was largely his theological duels with the powerful Jesuit order which resulted in the condemnation of certain of his works and theses).
One sees there their immense ambition to augment their temporal power, their sordid avarice in transfering great wealth unjustly and dishonestly to their families in order to enrich their nephews, mistresses, or ba - stards.
The only time sides must be chosen, is when political or temporal power is being amassed in the name of a religion, which is the reason people have been moving away from religions in the first place.
Today, Catholicism is not tempted to take up the sword and restore the temporal powers Pius IX possessed.
My correspondents raise a number of questions about the account of the proper relation between spiritual and temporal power that I draw from Before Church and State.
Ercole Consalvi, born into the Roman nobility as the winds of Enlightenment - driven change were about to transform Europe, was educated for a career in law and administration, which in his case meant life as an official of the Papal States: that broad swath of central Italy that constituted the pope's «temporal power
It shows a powerful monarch who sits with a frail flower in his hand, his jaw tight, as he contemplates the finality of life and the emptiness of temporal power.
The temporal power was a ball - and - chain for the papacy, impeding its essentially spiritual character and work.
First by the powerful impact of Frederic the Great, the Protestant King of Pruzzia, the pope lost his temporal power, and the mordern Europe began to emerge.
It was by propagating that belief and supporting it with fire that she kept up her temporal power
We today hold many of these ideas, even if we have abandoned the conceptions of the church as judge of the state and of the supremacy of the spiritual over the temporal power.
That is the deeper theological significance of the Church's abandonment of temporal power.
Leo XIII (1878 — 1903) the successor to Pius IX continued to insist that the Pope needed some territory (the temporal power) in order to fulfil his role.
Whereas the fundamentalists and integralists want to unite the spiritual power and the temporal power, Francis wants to erect a wall of separation between the two.
The Church, in aligning itself closely with the State, thought that by using the temporal power, it fulfilled the mission and collaborated in the advent of the Kingdom.
Instead of the active ethic of social transformation, we have, on the one hand, the passive and legalistic ethic of the good functionary, and on the other hand, the triumphalism of «dominion theology» which dreams of a divine right of evangelicals to temporal power.
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