Sentences with phrase «temporary orders usually»

These temporary orders usually remain in effect until the court issues a final divorce decree.

Not exact matches

In some parts of Canada, such as Aboriginal communities (but not only), StatsCan representatives, including locally recruited temporary workers, usually fill out the long - form census for the respondents (by interviewing them and filling in the responses) precisely in order to ensure accuracy and completeness... which brings us to the second issue...
Usually the court will issue a temporary order that maintains the status quo during the case.
Under current law, new legal highs are subject to a temporary banning order for 12 months, which is usually made permanent after that period.
Usually, orders for protection start out as temporary, but can be enforced for up to two years and sometimes longer.
One spouse or the other usually files a motion with the court, asking the judge to make temporary orders to address these issues.
At the initial status conference, the court will order a date for a temporary orders hearing to resolve these issues, usually within about a month.
Moving out and taking your kids with you, without a court order giving you temporary custody, usually isn't an option.
Your agreement becomes a stipulated temporary court order, establishing custody and visitation terms until your divorce is final, which is usually a minimum of six months in Michigan.
Temporary child support orders are usually accompanied by temporary custody and visitation orders, which formalize the custody and visitation arrangement.
When children do well in the temporary arrangement, courts usually don't see any reason to change that when they issue a permanent order.
A temporary family law order is usually the type of restraining order most people use during divorce, and it encompasses many areas not covered by the other kinds of court orders.
Usually the court will issue a temporary order that maintains the status quo during the case.
Usually one party files of a divorce or temporary order and asks the judge to award them exclusive possession of the marital home during the divorce proceedings.
Some Courts (I'm not familiar with PA) will do temporary orders for some financial things but usually large assets, like a house, they won't decide how to handle it until the divorce is finalized.
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