Sentences with phrase «temporary relief when»

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Japan had a stockpile of them when the devastating earthquake and tsunami struck last March, and Weatherhaven participated in the Haitian earthquake relief effort by selling relief agencies 140 temporary shelters at cost.
This is a method I tried a lot when my blocked nose was at it's worst and it did give me a little temporary relief.
All of this is accompanied with wraps, heating pads, and my mother's famous tennis ball invention which, when rolled on at the exact right angle, can hit a trigger spot and provide some temporary relief.
And while passing clouds may offer temporary heat relief, they block only 20 percent of UV rays; the other 80 percent soaks right into your skin, even when theres no sun in sight.
The mistake so many of us make is waiting until allergy season is in full swing, when our last resort for instant relief is an over-the-counter medication that contains dangerous ingredients and likely only provides temporary relief, at best.
Nonetheless, the temporary discomfort of sacrifice will pale in comparison to the relief you will feel when you are no longer under the thumb of crippling debt.
These «vents» provide much - needed relief when your pack's turbine begins to flash red, signaling an impending temporary deactivation.
The amendment to Rule 9 (e) expedites proceedings for holding a hearing when an ex parte temporary relief - from - abuse order has been denied by requiring that the written denial must inform the plaintiff that the request for hearing must be filed within five business days after entry of the denial on the docket.
This is particularly important when preliminary relief like a temporary restraining order or preliminary injunction is desired.
When a party loses a motion for temporary relief that subsequently uncovered evidence indicates that party should have won, it should be considered a strategic mistake in seeking this relief prematurely.
Note that when a temporary relief hearing and a final hearing may be scheduled depends on which county in Florida the case is filed, as each county has varying rules of procedure.
It can be very difficult to try and reassure others when the reassurance only provides temporary relief.
A law enacted in 2007 provided temporary relief to troubled borrowers when some portion of mortgage debt is forgiven and the mortgage covers the borrower's principal residence.
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