Sentences with phrase «tense feeling of»

The game does not surprise you with random spawns after you clear an area, which is a drawback as it relaxes the tense feeling of being in enemy territory.
XCOM 2 doubles down on this nature, creating a more tense feeling of balancing multiple spinning plates, deciding which ones are worth keeping, and which can be sacrificed, before adding even more plates to the balancing act.
Patterns are difficult but not impossible to dodge and create a tense feeling of excitement and fun.
I remembered that tense feeling of culture shock and really experiencing what «the hustle» meant.

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Either our time away flew by, or we somehow manage to feel just as tense at the end of the break as we did at the beginning.
I've felt this all my life: a general dissatisfaction with the prizes of the present tense, a yearning for something beyond what this world can give.
... What is the most tense part — put your hand on that and let go of the tension... Be aware of all your feelings in the present moment... Breathe deeply a few times... Now picture the space of your consciousness as a room.
I'm hearing a lot of past tense in the manager's comments, including when talking about happìness and values, and it appears as though he may no longer feel the same way about the club.
There is a mixture of good feeling and a tensed atmosphere around the club right now.
That feeling of tense anticipation is almost incomparable.
The more oxygen you get, the less tense, short of breath, and anxious you feel.So the next time you feel stressed, take a minute to slow down and breathe deeply:
For those who do not, look to the Core Beliefs to prepare for an open adoption relationship if you are not yet part of one, to organize your own thoughts about the relationship you are already a part of, and to look at these beliefs as a mechanism for grounding when your relationship feels unsatisfying, tense, or challenged.
Preti and his colleagues have found that extracts of male underarm odors can not only influence female physiology, altering levels of a hormone involved in regulating the menstrual cycle, but also make women feel more relaxed and less tense.
As a result of political discussions at work this election season, at least 1 in 10 working Americans said they have felt tense or stressed out (17 percent), have been more cynical and negative at work (15 percent), have had more difficulty getting work done (10 percent), have been less productive at work (13 percent) and that their work quality has suffered (10 percent).
The bodies of child - abuse victims are tense and defensive until they find a way to relax and feel safe.
Just because your body has tensed up to avoid pain doesn't mean it is incapable of feeling pleasure.
Healing benefits of aromatherapy oils include releasing old or negative emotions, experiencing a detoxifying or cleansing feeling, soothing tense muscles, helping to balance hormonal fluctuations, and even help to realign the chakras.
So when you train with weight, for example, a lot of blood is pumped into the muscles, resulting in this tense feeling called the pump.
You know the feeling: tired, sluggish, tense, mad at yourself for whatever reason - of - the - day.
This one probably won't become part of my routine, but it's worth a shot — especially if you're feeling tense.
Common symptoms of pyroluria include: feeling tense or anxious; lack of dreams or having nightmares; morning nausea; poor appetite; poor sense of smell.
... may feel increasingly tense and overwhelmed, in need of better strategies on how to chillax.
Whereas if I just tense my hands slightly, I can begin to feel that familiar sensation of tension radiating back and forth from my core and torso out to the bar and back in, feeling more stable, stronger in the movement, and having less stress in the shoulders.
• Constant worrying • Loss of objectivity • Fearful anticipation • Moodiness • Agitation • Restlessness • Short temper • Irritability, impatience • Inability to relax • Feeling tense and on edge • Feeling overwhelmed • Sense of loneliness and isolation • Depression or general unhappiness
Women in their thirties may feel increasingly tense and overwhelmed, in need of better strategies on how to chillax.
Physical sensations can occur such as heart palpitations or heart skipping a beat, nausea, chest pain, shortness of breath, stomach aches, or headache, shaky hands, sweating excessively, trembling, feeling like you can not breath or you may be choking, tense muscles and dizziness.
You experience the tensing (calcium) and relaxing (magnesium) interaction of these two elements each time your heart beats, when you feel your pulse, and every time you breathe.
Similar effects were observed in another one, where people with a high fat, low carb breakfast reported feeling less tense, not as uncertain, drowsy or muddled, compared to other participants with different types of breakfast.
Your hip muscles and hamstrings will now feel looser so you take up the slack and increase your stretch an inch or two and then repeat the process of tensing the muscles holding the tension for a few seconds and then letting go until you have reached your current maximum range of movement.
Hi I've always hated my thighs As there very large I saw a post that said if you tense you leg and pinch the top of ur thigh... if there's much to pinch it's fat or if there's not much it's muscle and I didn't have much to pinch so I'm very sure I have muscular thighs as I have been doing thigh slimming exercises and squats everyday however I have noticed my thighs look really big I feel really self conscious and uncomfortable with anyone seeing them please.
However, instead of relaxing as you do in waiting out the tension you do the complete opposite and deliberately contract your hip muscles and hamstrings even harder than they already feel (Yes you got it) just as the tension hits your body you slowly and deliberately increase it by contracting your whole body but paying particular attention to the muscles you want to stretch and tense them.
Not only do we feel stressed and tense, but long - term stress also contributes to the development of many common chronic diseases, such as depression, high blood pressure, cardiac diseases and metabolic disorders.
This simple intervention can be used anytime in the session when the client feels anxious, tense, ungrounded, or in some pain, or as part of a goal of learning to connect with body sensations.
That's why it's so important, if you feel overly tense, to try different stress relief methods and to make getting plenty of sleep a high priority.
Place your hands on the sides and lower most part of the abdomen to feel them tense up.
Times are tense right now and there's a lot of us out there dealing with feelings of frustration, anger, fear, helplessness, and despair.
If your neck and shoulders feel tense, or if your chin juts upward toward the sky instead of settling comfortably toward your chest, elevate your head a few inches with a folded blanket or pillow.
When you have low GABA levels you will have physical anxiety with stiff and tense muscles as well as feelings of stress, overwhelm and may even have panic attacks.
«Just a subtle relaxed feeling and noticeably less of that anxious feeling that can tense up our bodies and make our minds race in circles («Did I respond to that work email?»
Quote Of The Week You can not look at a sleeping cat and feel tense.
This stigma against seniors embracing their sexuality causes many of them to feel hopeless and think of their sex life in the past tense.
Even though the majority of Russian women consider a family life to be the most natural and attractive female role and a status of a married woman with children is still high in the society, a considerable number of the Russian women display the tense feelings, dissatisfaction, deprivation, despair and even fear in the family life and relationship with a husband.
Aly Raisman Details Exactly How Dr. Larry Nassar Made Me Feel Tense and Uncomfortable Students should be made to feel «uncomfortable», the incoming chair of the Office for Students has said, as he insists that the new watchdog Feel Tense and Uncomfortable Students should be made to feel «uncomfortable», the incoming chair of the Office for Students has said, as he insists that the new watchdog feel «uncomfortable», the incoming chair of the Office for Students has said, as he insists that the new watchdog will
10 Cloverfield Lane still feels like the spec script it spawned from, trying vainly to pack tense set pieces and striking moments of violence into its simplistic chamber play.
There isn't any nasty violence or blood but the laughs tend to fall away as some scenarios get a little tense which felt a bit out of place.
Then, very soon, the realization hits that it's an arresting distraction, an approximation of how the characters must feel: stressed out and tense because something momentous is about to go down.
The awesome thing about Sneaky Sneaky is that it is perfectly tuned to have you using a mixture of all those forms of gameplay, and it feels faster and more tense than your average strategy game.
As much as these scenes are a welcome break from tense, impending doom of the rest of «Detroit», you can't help but feel they belong in a different movie.
The whole city seems to exist in anticipation of a storm, just before the rain comes down: there's an ominous, thunderous feel; the air hangs heavy; the threat of violence permeates.Much will and already has been made of the violence, of which there is lots, the impact exacerbated by the agonisingly slow, painfully tense character of the film; it makes you wait and it makes you suffer.
There are some wonderfully tense scenes early on, and it does a good job of hitting all the usual beats without feeling too familiar, but «The Infiltrator» would be a lot more engaging if it was afforded the time to explore its story, as well as the players involved, in greater detail.
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