Sentences with phrase «tension created»

The movement patterns are too different as far the levels of tension created.
Visual tension creates interest and can be achieved by combining modern moments with pieces from the past.
Held tension creates inertia and can slow you down.
There is more tension created in the muscle.
Muscle tension created by carrying the extra weight of a baby can be relieved by encouraging blood flow to the afflicted areas.
To transport water from roots up to leaves, trees depend on tension created by the difference in water availability in the soil and the atmosphere, says plant physiologist Lucy Rowland at Exeter.
Liquid dispensed onto these spots form droplets that remain in a fixed position from the surface tension created from the hydrophobic surroundings, even when the plate is shaken or inverted.
«It's based on the amount of tension you create internally.
The resistance band tension creates a perturbation effect (vibration) which activates the muscles to contact and stabilize a joint during side to side motions that are common in sporting activities.
«High levels of stress and tension create discomfort and muscle pain by tightening muscles and causing muscle spasms,» says Dr. Colgan.
A three - minute short called «The PG Version» is a reasonably funny idea carried off with a degree of polish that actually undermines the grungy sensibility of the film itself while a 24 - minute MTV «Making of» featurette provides a few behind - the - scenes tensions created by Green's sociopathic inability to leave people alone.
This is at the heart of what Sesame Workshop has done as an organization and it was interesting to be part of the creative tension creating a product that could make a difference and improve readiness in students even before they reach pre-K.
While the KOUP's overall form is simple and precise, it makes a design statement with positive tension created by a «swoosh» that swoops from the «C» pillar forward, down to the «A» pillar and flares all the way back around to the rear deck lid.
The solution of a thriller is not for the satisfaction of solving a puzzle, but for an energizing release of the high tension created by the story.
Sure, plowing into a racer's car sirens blazing is a blast, but escaping the fuzz feels far more rewarding and the heat rating multiplayer is a wonderful tension creating tool.
Watching your first few matches is fun and there is a certain tension created by viewing helplessly as both fighters pummel each other in a close - fought contest, but after a while it becomes a drag.
This painting, a keen example of Riley's endeavours to challenge the very act of seeing, is particularly notable for the emotional tension created in the title, a device not oft used by the artist.
The relationship between water and land, its dualistic qualities and the power and tension created when the two entities merge.
Although this sculptural appendage seemed a curious choice — prominently emphasizing the gallery's worst preexisting features and clashing with the artist's markedly intimate canvases — the spatial tension it created was precisely the sort of visual and symbolic conflict von Wulffen aims
Fresh criticism from Georgian environmentalists adds to the diplomatic tensions created by Turkey's dam - building spree.
Discuss ways to examine strategies to manage tensions created by our complex multicultural society
Not wanting to stir up tensions created in Boston and other cities over forced busing of white students, then - MPS Superintendent Lee McMurrin developed a plan to integrate schools via «choice,» specialty magnet schools and a busing scheme that once again disrupted black students» lives, but had little effect on white students.
The visual tension created by the juxtaposition of two seemingly disparate environments (the sophisticated urban Paris versus the exotic wild untethered jungle) is the foundation for Ghenie's new body of work.
These fantastic, nail - biting moments of tension create a palpable sense of apprehension leading into each new dungeon.
Nevertheless, the fact remains: Tensions created by globalization, and the way in which nationalist parties continue to react to those tensions, will be important to monitor as they affect the European political landscape.
Accordingly, as the European economic crisis continues to fuel nationalist ideology, STRATFOR expects the tension created by globalization and its social and cultural effects to be an important element in the European political scene in the coming years.
Leaders can see and feel the tension created by this person's actions.
Even in its constricting format, however, each item encourages the member to construct a small story of his or her life, imagining the tension created by a particular crisis and then resolving it by subsequent explanation chosen from among the several alternatives.
Classical Christian theology knew a tension between time and Eternity, a tension created by the chasm between the creation and the Creator.
If we rush to solve a problem, the solution will need to be something ready - made or quickly put together, and will most likely be a project of the ego; but if we sustain the tension created by two worlds colliding, an unexpected solution will emerge eventually from the opening to soul that tension creates.
The tension creates difficulties that undermine the possibility for real accomplishment at the first Pan-Orthodox council in centuries, now scheduled to be held in Crete in June.
The narrator of II Samuel resolves the tension created by Nathan's parable and application by portraying David's repentance and God's judgment.
The Southern Baptist Convention voted last summer to back refugee resettlement, and its Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission leader Russell Moore recently wrote to Trump: «As a nation, we must seek to resolve the tension created by these two values — compassion for the sojourner and the security of our citizens — in a way that upholds both values.»
I understand the tension created between ministry and money.
Social inequality, poverty and restricting of personal freedom create strong tensions, but it doesn't mean, that tensions create a serious danger for the regime.
The tension created by the plunging slabs ultimately sets the plates in motion.
The report refers obliquely to «the tension created by the outward presumption that a true meritocracy is already essentially achieved at MIT.»
«There has been a hypothesis that cell stiffness and tension create a vicious cycle leading to enhanced growth, more cell density, more tension, and larger tumors,» said Burridge.
Barbell complexes have the power to create large amounts of metabolic stress; between that, not setting the bar down until all exercises are complete, the tension created through the
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