Sentences with phrase «tension on»

Using a chain and weight plate in this fashion allows you to keep massive tension on the biceps at the top of the curl movement.
Using kettlebells for curls puts more tension on the biceps due to the construction of the tool.
In this version, you'll be using a pair of heavy dumbbells and performing the close grip press exercise in a very specific way... a way designed to put even GREATER muscle - building tension on the triceps throughout the exercise.
The result is EXTREME tension on the inner chest (along with plenty of work on the triceps as you move your grip in closer).
At the cellular level this changes the tension on the filaments of the endothelial cells of the initial lymphatic capillaries, facilitating their opening and closing.
For example, particular tension on your left shoulder can be specifically targeted by positioning your legs more to the left when bringing your feet up over your head.
In the starting position, you still feel tension on your biceps, this is not a relaxed position.
Personal Trainer Tips: Keeping your shoulders lifted off the floor keeps more tension on the abs and works them harder.
Take your time with this one and keep lots of tension on the band to work those guns.
He said the short stroke kept tension on his pecs, which is true and important, but it also placed the most overload on his pecs when they were elongated, or stretched.
Just do your best to keep tension on the biceps the whole time.
There is no tension on this strip whatsoever.
Even though you are stronger in eccentric contractions than in concentric contractions, you recruit only half the fibers when lowering a load, hence the actual tension on the muscle recruited is double.
When you look at the position of your body in relation to gravity, there is more tension on your neck during the first part of a sit up because gravity is pulling down on your neck, and the muscles in the front of the neck will contract to stabilize your head.
Maintain a tight core and feel the tension on the hamstrings and glutes.
Holding a dumbbell in my hands and moving it side to side is not placing tension on the external rotators of my shoulder, just my elbow flexors.
You need to keep your hands the right distance apart to keep tension on the band when your arms come together and with you squeeze them apart.
When the elbows are on the Bosu Ball, you will have a little more tension on the abs because you will be more horizontal to gravity.
To keep tension on the delts all the way through to the top of shoulder press exercise, you need to use a very simple change in dumbbell angle.
For instance, you can do more or less reps, increase or decrease your ankle weight, put more tension or less tension on your band by choking up on it or letting up on the grip.
You can go a step farther by tilting your hips up a bit so that you can increase the tension on your abs.
Probably the easiest and most effective way to do this to help build muscle fast is to maintain tension on the muscle longe, but on the extreme ranges of motion, fully extended, and shortened.
Overstretched proximal triceps in this position, causing increased tension on the triceps tendon by the elbow.
Because of the isometric contraction of planks, they also make your ab muscles work more efficiently without placing the tension on your back.
The 45 ° hyper was hardest in the middle position but it was still pretty high in the beginning and the end, so it had the most average tension on the glutes.
By walking in this way or upside down you have to raise your won't body weight and even though you are not carrying any weight it will extend the tension on the contraction of your glute muscles.
The light day is still light enough to allow recuperation from the heavy day but also heavy enough to allow still some tension on the light day for the higher reps and metabolic environment.
So you have to always remind yourself if you're doing this for aesthetic purposes, you have got to keep the tension on the glutes.
You develop incredible tension on the glutes but you also have constant tension, so you get a lot of metabolic stress.
It will increase the tension on your glute muscles so your legs will more contract.
You want tension on the resistance band the whole time so never let your feet come in too narrow as you do these.
Take a wide step to the right, and lower into a squat, knees behind toes and keeping tension on the tube.
By using resistant bands for stretching you can increase tension on your...
Trainer Tip: To increase tension on your abdominal muscles, place the palms of your hands on sliding discs such as Valslides, SKLZ Slidez, paper plates, or weight plates.
Seated machine triceps dips need to be done with the upper torso straight up to keep the tension on the triceps.
Each position puts a bit different tension on the quads.
This can create too much tension on the internal organs and gastro intestinal tract and stress on the adrenals and central nervous system.
Superslow training places tension on muscle fibers throughout the entire movement, both concentric and eccentric phases.
For even greater tension on the triceps do the lying 45 - degree triceps extension.
First, the uneven tension on the body forces the stabilizing muscles of the core to work overtime.
Switch the side of your head that cable is on every two or three reps to balance the tension on your abs.
This outwards pushing combined with the pulling up puts HUGE tension on the extreme outer fibers of the lats.
The balance requirement will force you to keep the bar level, which in turn puts greatest tension on the biceps.
If these muscles have less tension on them than during the actual curling motion, chances are you shifted the tension onto your shoulder by bringing your elbows too far forward.
This pull - up variation puts MASSIVE tension on the outer aspect of your lats just by changing WHERE you do the pull - ups and how you hold your hands.
You should feel all the tension on your biceps / brachioradialis at this point.
Using an elastic band around your ankles, stand with feet shoulder - width apart and step side to side or forward and back, keeping tension on the band the entire time.
At the bottom of the movement, focus on keeping a little bend in your arms to keep tension on the triceps muscle.
One must release the tension on the nerves leading to the thyroid that are in the neck and cervical spine area.
The sound of the rope hitting the floor gives you audible feedback for your intensity, while the relative ease of holding the squat and tension on the ropes provides proprioceptive feedback on the quality of your movement.
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