Sentences with phrase «term change in emissions»

These well - intentioned advocates mistakenly focus on the short - term change in emissions among participating countries (for example, the much - heralded 5.2 % cut by the Annex I countries in the Kyoto Protocol's first commitment period), when it is the long - term change in global emissions that matters.
The other side of the coin is that for long term warming, the cumulative emissions of CO2 are dominant, even if in the short term changes in its emission are relatively ineffectual, even more so because they are often combined with emissions of cooling aerosols.

Not exact matches

There are frequent rail accidents and pipeline explosions, evidence of long term water contamination esp around Dimock PA and in WY, non disclosure agreements forced on people whose health has been damaged from exposure to toxic emissions, secrecy about all of these issues, and climate changes caused by too much fossil fuel emissions.
That's why we have to look at the balance in terms of what is cheaper: Can we reduce emissions of greenhouse gases today so that we can stabilize the earth's climate, rather than adapt to the impacts of climate change and incur much higher costs over a period of time?
Because of black carbon's short residency in the atmosphere, reducing black carbon emissions is considered a short - term strategy for mitigating global climate change.
Professor David Schultz, one of the authors of the guest editorial, said: «One of the long - term effects of climate change is often predicted to be an increase in the intensity and frequency of many high - impact weather events, so reducing greenhouse gas emissions is often seen to be the response to the problem.
Instead, the Administration's plans for energy conservation and using energy sources with less CO2 emission will help in the short - term, he said; down the road, a new National Climate Change Technology Initiative will help develop cutting - edge technologies such as fuel cells and carbon dioxide sequestration, Bush said.
Conference chair Katherine Richardson, a biological oceanographer at the University of Copenhagen, told the opening plenary session that the conference would ensure that policymakers would pay attention by providing compelling messages in three broad areas: how bad the climate science is [that is, how bad the impact of climate change will be], the «good news» that's out there in terms of new ways of mitigating carbon emissions, and the prospects for adapting to the proliferating impacts that scientists are seeing around the world.
Substantively, she said, the covered sectors pull their weight in terms of contributions to climate change: Cement is responsible for fully half of the country's CO2 emissions, and 85 percent of China's electricity generation is coal - fired.
A new report by the National Research Council finds that in terms of the scale of GHG emissions reductions required to mitigate anthropogenic climate change, the U.S.
In terms of CO2 emissions, we are following the highest climate change scenario of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change released in September.&raquIn terms of CO2 emissions, we are following the highest climate change scenario of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change released in September.&change scenario of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change released in September.&Change released in September.&raquin September.»
It is widely known that the terrestrial biosphere (the collective term for all the world's land vegetation, soil, etc.) is an important factor in mitigating climate change, as it absorbs around 20 % of all fossil fuel CO2 emissions.
Hugh Pitcher • Contributing Author, Working Group III, «Issues Related to Mitigation in the Long - Term Context,» IPCC Fourth Assessment Report (2007) • Lead Author, «Emissions Scenarios 2000: Special Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change» (2001).
«It's the long - term change in global emissions that matters.»
The model found that long - term, less easily reversed behavioral changes, such as insulating homes or purchasing hybrid cars, had by far the most impact in mitigating greenhouse gas emissions and thus reducing climate change, versus more short - term adjustments, such as adjusting thermostats or driving fewer miles.
A deal this fall to cap carbon emissions from global aviation at 2020 levels must be enforceable and set long - term goals in line with the 2015 Paris agreement on climate change, a coalition of environmental groups said.
In a previous paper written in 2014, Howarth painted methane emissions from oil and gas production in dire terms, saying that ignoring fracking - related methane emissions would lead to a climate change tipping point and «global catastrophe» from which there is no returIn a previous paper written in 2014, Howarth painted methane emissions from oil and gas production in dire terms, saying that ignoring fracking - related methane emissions would lead to a climate change tipping point and «global catastrophe» from which there is no returin 2014, Howarth painted methane emissions from oil and gas production in dire terms, saying that ignoring fracking - related methane emissions would lead to a climate change tipping point and «global catastrophe» from which there is no returin dire terms, saying that ignoring fracking - related methane emissions would lead to a climate change tipping point and «global catastrophe» from which there is no return.
As has long been the situation in these talks, the stances of these countries, the two dominant sources of greenhouse gas emissions, largely shape prospects for the world at large to move beyond the weak terms of the 1992 Framework Convention on Climate Change and the limited scope of the Kyoto Protocol.
That said, of course, my sense is that the coal industry is trying to change the subject, because reason is against it (in terms of its desire to build additional coal capacity before technologies are available that can take carbon dioxide out of coal emissions).
, makes it crystal clear, in quantified terms, that the emissions of carbon dioxide from burning coal are a major part of the problem and need to be addressed if we are to make the necessary changes to address global warming.
What's really meant in a comment like «if one's goal is to limit climate change, one would always be better off spending the money on immediate reduction of CO2 emissions» is «if one's goal is limiting LONG - TERM climate change».
In contrast, if we eliminated carbon dioxide emissions but did nothing about methane and black carbon emissions, threats posed by long - term climate change would be markedly reduced.
The agency chose these actions because it said they all meet these criteria: They can result in significant near - term emissions reductions, do not curb economic growth, rely only on existing technologies and proven policies and produce significant benefits beyond climate change mitigation.
All the right technologies to do something about CO2 emissions are maturing and we'll be in better shape, in terms of the data supporting the science, to make aggressive changes by 2014.
Limiting emissions of greenhouse gases is a long - term challenge that needs to be addressed in ways that achieve results; building and living resiliently in tornado zones is a real - time imperative, with or without a push from climate change.
Reductions in near - term warming can be achieved by control of the short - lived climate forcers whereas carbon dioxide emission reductions, beginning now, are required to limit long - term climate change.
For example, we could describe climate change primarily in terms of the physical processes: carbon emissions, the radiative balance of the atmosphere, average temperatures, and impacts on human life and ecosystems.
The need for a direct push on energy innovation is particularly acute given scant evidence, in Cancún treaty talks or elsewhere, that countries where nearly all of the growth in such emissions is coming in the next few decades are willing to restrain this flow for the sake of limiting long - term climate change.
Although (1) the effects of a pH change have been demonstrated in the lab, and (2) it's a longer - term change than ozone depletion, which fixes itself on a time scale of decades after freon emission is stopped.
So, I know that CO2 fertilization has been considered in terms of its effects on 20th century trees used in reconstructions — has there been considerations of changes in diffuse light due to aerosol emissions?
Your input is indispensable to frame a deal that is not only effective in terms of emission reductions, but also makes economic sense,» said Yvo de Boer, executive secretary of the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) at the Bali Global Business Day.
It might be too late — we could spend hundreds of billions on cutting carbon emissions and end up getting nothing for it in terms of reducing climate change.
Since these emissions occur upstream in a company's supply chain (e.g. land - use change associated with the procurement of raw materials) or downstream in customer's use products (e.g. the energy used when a consumer plugs in a company's phone or refrigerates their food products), they are difficult to tackle in the short - term.
In a wide - ranging December 2013 study, conducted to support Our Children's Trust, a group advancing legal challenges to lax greenhouse gas emissions policies on behalf of minors, Hansen called for a «human tipping point» — essentially, a social revolution — as one of the most effective ways of combating climate change, though he still favors a bilateral carbon tax agreed upon by the United States and China as the best near - term climate policy.
May said parliamentarians had not done enough to prepare the public for the effect climate change would have on their lives in terms of efforts to reduce emissions and adapt to climate changes.
Although APS plans to reduce its coal burn from the current 35 % to 17 % by 2029, by increasing its natural gas burn from 19 % to 35 %, it will actually increase its greenhouse gas emissions in the near term, since the global warming potential from methane, which is leaked at multiple points of the natural gas supply chain, is 86 times that of carbon over 20 years, according to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change's 2013 report.
In long term trend lies human emissions and changing biosphere.
Obviously, my method (likewise yours) ignores other long term forcings - specifically CFC emissions that stopped in late 80s + human aerosols seems to be important players here - inclusion of other forcings may change the result.
The term is used in the context of global climate change to refer to gaseous emissions that are the result of human activities, as well as other potentially climate - altering activities, such as deforestation.
In spite of all of the above, it does not change the basic question - «are human CO2 emissions harmful for humanity overall over the long term to the extent that steps should be taken today to reduce or eliminate said emissions
And although emissions were recently near the top of the range that has been covered6, the changes in atmospheric CO2 concentration follow long - term average emissions rather than short - term variations.
Simulated with the Global Change Assessment Model (GCAM), RCP4.5 includes long - term, global emissions of greenhouse gases, short - lived species, and land - use - land - cover in a global economic framework.
While the Climate Change pundits agree that energy efficiency and renewables are in the long term, «the most sustainable solutions both for security of supply and climate,» they argue that «global greenhouse gas emissions can not be reduced by at least 50 % by 2050, as they need to be, if we do not also use other options such as carbon capture and storage.»
Current U.S. dietary guidelines and many health professionals have recommended diets higher in fruits and vegetables and lower in red meat as a means of helping to reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease and some cancers.316, 319,320,321,322,323,324 These changes in food consumption, and related changes to food production, could have co-benefits in terms of reducing greenhouse gas emissions.
Proposed supporters of climate alarmism methods to combat global warming by reducing carbon dioxide emissions are not only scientifically unfounded - in the absence of extraordinary characteristics of modern climate change, but also incredibly expensive in economic terms.
We find that across - the - board emissions reductions in domestic fuel burning in developing Asia and in surface transportation in North America are likely to offer the greatest potential for substantial, simultaneous improvement in local air quality and near - term mitigation of global climate change.
This paper presents an analytical framework to encompass contributions to the literature on equity in climate change, and highlights the consequences — in terms of future emissions allocations — of different approaches to equity.
Contribution from working group I to the fifth assessment report by IPCC TS.5.4.1 Projected Near - term Changes in Climate Projections of near - term climate show small sensitivity to Green House Gas scenarios compared to model spread, but substantial sensitivity to uncertainties in aerosol emissions, especially on regional scales and for hydrological cycle variables.
But Canada is further ahead on implementing the actions required to address climate change that will provide a long - term sustainable future for wind energy development by looking beyond wind energy's role in the electricity grid to its role (with other renewable energies) as a substitute for fossil fuels in other sectors of the economy where most of our greenhouse gas emissions are produced.
Activists are also fighting Rover and other fossil fuel infrastructure projects on climate change grounds because the new installations can have a lifespan of 50 years or more, locking in new carbon emissions over the long term.
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