Sentences with phrase «term changes to the climate»

Whatever causes the GHE to change over the course of the year must also be involved in the long - term changes to the climate.
The «changing system» could be internal variability of the system, which would have a zero - sum game over the longer - term (century scale), or some external forcing on the system, which could bring about very long - term changes to the climate lasting thousands or tens of thousands of years.

Not exact matches

What is not yet clear is whether Trump plans to initiate a formal withdrawal from the Paris accord, which under the terms of the agreement could take three years, or exit the underlying U.N. climate change treaty on which the accord was based.
«Since 2007 I have been working on Drowning World, a long - term global project about flooding as my way of responding to climate change.
But the president has also pledged to «respond to the threat of climate change» in his second term and would rather not be seen as eating his words by approving Keystone.
Scientists have told an Australian government committee that the current strategy to protect the reef — the Reef 2050 Long - Term Sustainability Plan — is unachievable in light of recent mass bleaching events, especially since the plan doesn't include steps to counter climate change.
«Growing concern about climate change — from society in general, and from long - term shareholders in particular — has forced oil companies to think about the implications of a transition to a low - carbon economy.
There were librarians and archivists focused on copyright term extension and digital locks; several doctors spoke to the impact of the TPP on public health and access to medicines, food experts highlighted the dangers associated with food security, environmental activists focused on the TPP and climate change, and speakers of all ages (including a 92 year old woman) expressed concern with the investor - state dispute resolution provisions.
It's about the oil industry's — and perhaps Premier Notley's — short - term interests, which are plainly contrary to a credible climate change plan.
Shareholder resolutions have seen rising support on key issues ranging from governance practices to climate change to pay equity, and the recent expansion of proxy access provides long - term investors with an opportunity to shape the board itself.
Climate change is an important issue to the long - term health of our community and the world, however policies in our relatively small jurisdiction which are not aligned with the realities in other Canadian provinces and the United States put us at a competitive disadvantage.
Many industries were already coming to terms with the reality that climate change regulations are getting more stringent.
Bring up one of the following terms, with a link to an accompanying news story: Benghazi, climate change, anything involving something inflammatory Donald Trump said, the illuminati, gun control or any number of other slightly controversial topics.
Francis's encyclical joins a number of documents, including the 2006 Evangelical Climate Initiative, a 2011 National Association of Evangelicals report, and a 2013 letter from 200 evangelical scientists to Congress, that «all state in clear and unmistakable terms that caring about climate change is caring for «the least of these,»» wrote evangelical climate scientist Katharine Climate Initiative, a 2011 National Association of Evangelicals report, and a 2013 letter from 200 evangelical scientists to Congress, that «all state in clear and unmistakable terms that caring about climate change is caring for «the least of these,»» wrote evangelical climate scientist Katharine climate change is caring for «the least of these,»» wrote evangelical climate scientist Katharine climate scientist Katharine Hayhoe.
With respect to global warming, it's better to think in terms of manmade climate and environmental change.
But it's not just your health that will benefit, but the planet's, too — going vegan sparks significant change in terms of helping to combat climate change, and the simple act of going vegan could reduce your carbon imprint by a whopping 50 %.
Last year, a report by the Oxford Martin School at Oxford University, led by Professor Marco Springmann, said a tax on animal products could have a «substantial» effect in terms of mitigating their contributions to climate change.
This week will see hundreds of campaigners, including politicians and celebrities, lending their support to help fight climate change and promote long term sustainable living.
I confess that I have become somewhat blasé about the range of exciting — I think revolutionary is probably more accurate — technologies that we are rolling out today: our work in genomics and its translation into varieties that are reaching poor farmers today; our innovative integration of long — term and multilocation trials with crop models and modern IT and communications technology to reach farmers in ways we never even imagined five years ago; our vision to create a C4 rice and see to it that Golden Rice reaches poor and hungry children; maintaining productivity gains in the face of dynamic pests and pathogens; understanding the nature of the rice grain and what makes for good quality; our many efforts to change the way rice is grown to meet the challenges of changing rural economies, changing societies, and a changing climate; and, our extraordinary array of partnerships that has placed us at the forefront of the CGIAR change process through the Global Rice Science Partnership.
A concerted effort to eradicate invasive plants, or to remove a dam in a surface waterway are both examples of how our staff and volunteers can boost the resilience of a given landscape — helping the creatures that live there sustain long - term, despite the impacts of climate change.
For instance, long - term monitoring of plants and selected animals by Mass Audubon scientists on our wildlife sanctuaries and across the state will allow us to track their response to climate change.
In particular it might help to frame the story in terms not so much of potentially devastating consequences in distant parts of the world, but in terms of more local impacts of the climate changing and what people are doing about it.
«To avoid the kind of long - term economic disruption we are now facing, Government, engineers and the entire supply chain need to work together to make the infrastructure as a whole more resilient — and adapt it to cope with the anticipated increase in flooding as result of climate changTo avoid the kind of long - term economic disruption we are now facing, Government, engineers and the entire supply chain need to work together to make the infrastructure as a whole more resilient — and adapt it to cope with the anticipated increase in flooding as result of climate changto work together to make the infrastructure as a whole more resilient — and adapt it to cope with the anticipated increase in flooding as result of climate changto make the infrastructure as a whole more resilient — and adapt it to cope with the anticipated increase in flooding as result of climate changto cope with the anticipated increase in flooding as result of climate change.
Whilst these blogs are popular - in terms of unique visitor numbers (and before Unity has a go at me, I know there are weaknesses in those numbers)- they tend to be written by people who write about a large number of issues and climate change is not their principle topic (or even one that they discuss very often).
Other groups agree that carbon offsetting does little to counteract the problems causing climate change and does not provide a radical, long - term solution.
It faces up to the long term challenges of competition, harmful abstraction, metering and climate change.
The Tories agreed to virtually all the Lib Dems» demands: fixed - term parliaments, scrapping ID cards, a referendum on electoral reform, measures to tackle climate change.
The format of the initiatives meant that they not only learnt about the science of environmental problems such as climate change, but were also engaged in considering solutions and how to bring them about, both in terms of their own lives and community and the wider political context.
There are frequent rail accidents and pipeline explosions, evidence of long term water contamination esp around Dimock PA and in WY, non disclosure agreements forced on people whose health has been damaged from exposure to toxic emissions, secrecy about all of these issues, and climate changes caused by too much fossil fuel emissions.
In terms of proving progressive credentials to the Left my guess is that the Conservative leadership would also point to the party's acceptance of homosexual rights, efforts to promote women and ethnic minority candidates and the significant emphasis that the party has placed on civil libertarianism and combating climate change.
Unless... Suppose David Cameron and Nick Clegg announced that they agreed with Ed Miliband's warning over the weekend that Britain is «sleepwalking to a crisis», and that «climate change threatens national security» — and went on to commit themselves to working together on a long - term plan to protect the nation not just from extreme weather conditions but the other consequences of climate change.
Mayor Bloomberg created a taskforce to develop a long - term plan for the city based on expected future climate change, severe weather occurrences, and how to rebuild better.
He also announced the formation of the U.S. Climate Alliance, a coalition of states dedicated to upholding the terms of the Paris Agreement on climate Climate Alliance, a coalition of states dedicated to upholding the terms of the Paris Agreement on climate climate change.
Long answer: Every country in the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC)(195 countries in total), plus the institution of the EU (the 196th member) agreed to the terms of the Paris Agreement - the UNFCCC can only pass agreements without objection,...
Experts from around the world will be gathering at the Met Office's Hadley Centre this week to assess the long - term impact of climate change.
A new paper published by scientists in the Northeast finds that long - term studies at the local scale are needed to accurately predict and manage the effects of climate change.
«I do not believe that human activity is causing these dramatic changes to our climate the way these scientists are portraying it,» the first term senator said Sunday on ABC «This Week,» after being asked by ABC News» Jon Karl whether humans were contributing to the heating up of the planet.
«I fundamentally disagree that this is an issue that isn't urgent to address in terms of climate change,» Mr. de Blasio told Senator Simcha Felder, a Brooklyn Democrat who caucuses with Senate Republicans and had brought the groceries.
He is a proponent of campaign finance reform, term limits, greater focus on education and a «balanced» effort to address climate change.
They plan to deliver a formal approach to address long - term climate change, with respect to rising storm surges, later this spring.
WHEREAS, there are significant long - term risks to the economy and the environment of the United States from the temperature increases and climatic disruptions that are projected to result from increased greenhouse gas concentrations and the resultant climate change;
WHEREAS, in furtherance of the united effort to address the effects of climate change, in 2015 the 21st Session of the Conference of the Parties to the UNFCC met in Paris, France and entered into a historic agreement in which 195 nations, including the United States, were signatories and agreed to determine their own target contribution to mitigate climate change by holding the increase in the global average temperature to well below 2 °C above pre-industrial levels and to pursue efforts to limit the temperature increase to 1.5 °C above pre-industrial levels, among other terms (the «Paris Agreement»);
«Like every advanced industrial country we are coming to terms with the issues surrounding climate change,» he said, in a monthly press conference dominated by the recent floods.
DeFrancisco said «climate change» was left out of the resolution «because it's sometimes difficult to follow the politically correct term.
The centerpiece of President Barack Obama's second term may be sweeping climate change regulations, and he isn't about to let Congress rein him in.
The Governor also renewed his call for all Californians to conserve water, laid out the key elements of the state's long - term water plan and noted the work ahead to fight climate change and build on historic reforms to the state's school funding and criminal justice systems.
A huge shift towards renewables and the clean economy is needed if we are going to bring down consumer bills in the long - term and take seriously our need to tackle climate change, honouring our commitment to the Paris Agreement to limit global warming to 1.5 degrees.
He also covered topics including clean energy - taking a dig at climate change doubters by suggesting his party «still believes in science» - as well as renewing manufacturing, easing student loan debt by allowing Americans to refinance them long - term, bringing more people into the workforce and providing equal pay.
That's why we have to look at the balance in terms of what is cheaper: Can we reduce emissions of greenhouse gases today so that we can stabilize the earth's climate, rather than adapt to the impacts of climate change and incur much higher costs over a period of time?
Droegemeier does not expect Bridenstine to support slashing the agency's budget, especially given that much of NASA's mission can be framed in terms of collecting data that are as applicable to understanding weather patterns as to understanding climate change.
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