Sentences with phrase «term emotional memory»

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But it's becoming increasingly clear that the effects are serious, and range from momentary unconsciousness, confusion and memory loss — such as that suffered by Kramer — through to whiplash, debilitating headaches, and in the longer term the development of any number of emotional distresses and disorders linked to brain trauma.
We are learning that trauma from high impact experiences during childbirth is not only stored as nonverbal memories within newborns, it impacts their life at a critical time in their development, affecting short and long term physical and mental health — their entire neurological system, from their learning capacity to mental orientation, emotional stability and stress management.
Anything above the age of three in my opinion «considering that this is the age where a child's memory begins to be stored long - term untill adulthood», could cause emotional disturbance or harm, as well as social problems.
Typified by exhaustion that commonly worsens with physical, mental, or emotional exertion, the condition is also often characterized by short - term memory and concentration problems and profound fatigue that sleep does not relieve.
The emotional language of the tweets was measured in two ways: the use of common terms associated with anger, anxiety, and «positive and negative social relationships» and groups of words reflecting certain attitudes and experiences, including hostility and aggression, boredom and fatigue, optimism, and happy memories.
That means I need to find ways to increase BDNF more than in someone with the normal gene in order to preserve my cognitive function, memory, and emotional regulation.8 Mu, J.S., et al. «Deprivation of Endogenous Brain - Derived Neurotrophic Factor Results in Impairment of Spatial Learning and Memory in Adult... continue 9Cirulli, F., et al. «Intrahippocampal Administration of BDNF in Adult Rats Affects Short - term Behavioral Plasticity in the Morris Water Maze and... comemory, and emotional regulation.8 Mu, J.S., et al. «Deprivation of Endogenous Brain - Derived Neurotrophic Factor Results in Impairment of Spatial Learning and Memory in Adult... continue 9Cirulli, F., et al. «Intrahippocampal Administration of BDNF in Adult Rats Affects Short - term Behavioral Plasticity in the Morris Water Maze and... coMemory in Adult... continue 9Cirulli, F., et al. «Intrahippocampal Administration of BDNF in Adult Rats Affects Short - term Behavioral Plasticity in the Morris Water Maze and... continue
In an emotional tone, Kojima termed this trailer as «not a Hollywood big budget pre-rendered one but it'll be «hand made» with sweet memories»
A positive emotional response to learning aids the retention of information to people's long - term memory banks for recall and use in the future.
Two reasons come to mind: 1) emotional learning supports long - term memory, and 2) when positive emotions are associated with school, kids attend classes more and are more likely to develop a love of learning.
The limbic system is a collection of structures in the brain that are in part responsible for mediating behavior, long - term memory, and emotional response.
Keeping Record brings together fragmented memories and the emotional detritus of coming to terms with the notion of self.
An estimated 5.3 million Americans have long - term or lifelong care needs as a result of a traumatic brain injury, including deteriorating memory or problem solving; stress and emotional upset; problems with mood and temper; and motor control, language and learning impairments.
Studies in the rat directly link the maternal care environment to long - term effects on neural systems that regulate stress [6], [7] emotional function [8], [9], learning and memory [10], [11], [12] and neuroplasticity [10], [13], [14], [15].
Dysfunction in the areas in the frontal lobes, basal ganglia, and cerebellum may negatively impact regulation of behavior, inhibition, short - term memory, planning, self - monitoring, verbal regulation, motor control, and emotional regulation.
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