Sentences with phrase «term energy»

So, renewable energy is cost effective, it helps provide long term energy security for your business and adds to your environmental credentials.
The government is about to produce a new long - term energy plan.
On the other hand, short - term energy security focuses on the ability of the energy system to react promptly to sudden changes in the supply - demand balance.
This condition is where management practices such as using inertia of conventional power plants to act as short term energy storage can be deployed.
For the foreseeable future, the hard truth is this: only nuclear power can satisfy humanity's long - term energy needs while preserving the environment.
Investing in long term energy efficiency is a great idea but may be a little risky for some.
The rise in blood sugar acts as a short - term energy source for your workout, especially in longer endurance exercises.
The comprehensive plan will take into account costs, access to long - term energy supplies and economic development.
Drinking a can of soda every day for 5 years will have a vastly different effect on the body and long - term energy balance, compared to eating the same calories from eggs.
The former is effectively our short - term energy system, as distinct from the CP or immediate energy system we spoke of above.
A review of the end - use approach for projecting long - term energy use and GHG emissions.
However, the only route to long - term energy independence is through domestic renewable energy sources.
Twenty - four - hour leptin levels respond to cumulative short - term energy imbalance and predict subsequent intake.
These are fake energy, and you'll have far more short - and long - term energy without them.
Where should we focus our long - term energy investment?
The food also relies on whole grains for long - term energy which is beneficial for dogs with diabetes or that suffer from obesity.
That strikes me as a much healthier way to deploy long - term energy modeling.
Their main worry was in the long term energy availability and in the long delays inherent in changes of the energy supply.
Wind is a native fuel that does not need to be mined or transported, taking two expensive costs out of long - term energy expenses.
And the builder gets no financial benefit from adding all those efficiency improvements, since it's the owner's long - term energy bills that are reduced in the process.
How can we meet our long - term energy needs and resist climate change?
I am particularly interested as it may assist with flood forecasting, energy management and long term energy policy.
Energy security has many aspects: long - term energy security mainly deals with timely investments to supply energy in line with economic developments and environmental needs.
First off, your body is being powered by ketones which is the most efficient long term energy source.
So we can consider the analogous situation where short term energy is stored in a refrigerator and long term in the basement freezer.
The main hormone involved in long - term energy balance is called leptin, which is produced by the body's fat cells (5).
The latter is our long - term energy system.
It gives you the long term energy you need without the crash that you experience with most energy drinks.
Today, the EIA will release their monthly Short Term Energy Outlook Report (STEO).
The latest short - term energy outlook from the Energy Information Administration projects a 5 percent drop in carbon dioxide emissions from fuel burning in the United States this year, but a quick turnaround in 2010.
As this occurs, new and more efficient marketplaces will spring up to provide better indications of long term energy price expectations that in turn will feed into investment decisions.
Khanh Nguy Thi used scientific research and engaged Vietnamese state agencies to advocate for sustainable long - term energy projections in Vietnam.
This was a perversion of mark - to - market accounting where the company could use its discretion about future energy prices in its long term energy contracts since the market was not liquid as in the short run.
Solar is a touchstone in future - looking energy strategies and an essential component to the long - term energy goals of the U.S. and the world.
«It will open the door to understanding a whole lot more about fusion plasmas, and contribute to the development of a long term energy solution for the planet.»
The money will be recouped through long - term energy savings.
And the fat is good for replenishing your long - term energy stores (and since it's takes longer to digest, it's best to keep fat until after your workout).
On April 14th, 2017 Rick Perry wrote a memo headed «STUDY EXAMINING ELECTRICITY MARKETS AND RELAIBILITY» calling for study to investigate how long term energy trends my impact the grid.
«New Catalytic Materials for Innovative Cathodes in Microbial Fuel Cells for Long - Term Energy Production in Marine Systems», ONRG NICOP grant
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