Sentences with phrase «term hormonal birth control»

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Albert and other experts at CDC and in the field attribute the decline to a variety of factors, including lower rates of sexual activity, greater use of contraception, and a higher incidence of physicians educating and offering teen mothers long - term birth control methods such as IUDs and hormonal implants, which can prevent a second unintended pregnancy.
«This is another study that shows a very slight increased risk of hormonal birth control — especially with long - term use.»
And as we learn more and more about the many drawbacks of the birth control pill — especially when it comes to our gut and long - term hormonal health — we get more and more curious about the IUD as a possible alternative.
Research shows that hormonal birth control, such as the pill, patch, shot, ring, implantable rod, and hormonal IUD, may help with heavy, painful, or long - term bleeding.
While this might seem like an ideal option for many women, especially teens, I urge you to think about the long - term consequences of any hormonal birth control on your physical and emotional health.
However, in my long - term relationships, the responsibility for ensuring none of my soldiers end up placing a flag on ovum beach has generally fallen to my partner and typically in the form of hormonal birth control.
Mirena is a small T - shaped plastic hormonal intrauterine device (IUD) that is inserted into the uterus for long - term birth control.
Emergency contraception is not as effective as regular hormonal contraception (pill, patch or ring) or long - term birth control methods such as an intrauterine device or IUD.
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