Sentences with phrase «term immediate gratification»

A hallmark feature of addictions is the recurrent pursuit of short - term immediate gratification despite longer term negative outcomes.

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Understand that chasing immediate gratification only leads to long term agony and disappointment.
They also have a difficult time recognizing the long - term benefits of a more risky investment over the immediate, but short gratification of a safer choice.
We are created for communion with God and our neighbour in a life which offers communion on terms which require courage and trust in a future we can not see, which postpones fulfilment and does not allow every kind of immediate gratification.
There is a BROAD line between immediate gratification and long term success.
involved in making films; and the short - term nature and immediate gratification of film projects.
Long - term planning happens in the brain's prefrontal cortex, while the more compulsive limbic system focuses on things that provide immediate gratification.
A vice is anything that brings immediate gratification but costs you long term, whereas virtues may seem costlier now but are much better for you down the road.
We waver between immediate gratification and long - term planning.
They explore the warring dualities in all of us (long - term well - being versus immediate gratification, impulse versus rationality).
But humans, who combine the VTA and the prefrontal cortex, can see beyond plain causality, tapping into a subtle, continuously updated feedback loop that enables us to defer immediate gratification in favor of rewarding long - term projects, such as learning to play an instrument.
Remember the end goal of all of this and keep in mind that long - term goals are more important than immediate gratification.
It's because alcohol causes us to focus on immediate gratification (yummy, fatty food) rather than long term goals (yummy, flat tummy).
If you can overcome your tendency to focus on present, immediate pleasures (like having those cupcakes) and instead delay your gratification and in fact find pleasure in new healthy behaviors (like eating dark chocolate squares instead), you will be setting yourself up, ironically enough, for more short term AND long term good health!
Examples include planning, risk assessment, informed decision - making, deductive and inductive reasoning, critical analysis, and delay of immediate gratification to achieve long - term goals.
These include planning, flexibility, tolerance, risk assessment, informed decision - making, reasoning, analysis, and delay of immediate gratification to achieve long - term goals.
The prefrontal cortex (PFC) is where the brain develops the executive functions, such as the ability to recognize the effort to progress correlation and to resist immediate gratification to achieve long - term goals.
While lifestyle inflation would provide you with $ 72,000 in «value» over that 20 years, in terms of immediate gratification, you are leaving more than $ 85,000 on table.
«They tend to view their environment in terms of exploration and immediate gratification
But it requires Perseverance; the dogged commitment to action and Discipline; the focus on long term reward over of immediate gratification.
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