Sentences with phrase «term means the time»

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Cynthia Collins, social media editor of the New York Times, told the Tow researchers that this relationship means «We surrender so much control in terms of what gets read.»
The plus for Valeant is it also means that the funds may have a harder time getting on the same page and negotiating tougher terms with the company in order to avoid a default.
Risk is one reason there's such emphasis on investing when you're young — young people have a long time horizon before retirement, which means they can worry less about short - term volatility.
For the Times, extensions like the meal kits may mean the difference between a thriving long - term business and one that continues to see revenues erode.
A thorough selection process for picking your team members has greater long - term benefits, even if this means you spend more time recruiting than you'd like to.
Luckily, we're already spending about as much time browsing profiles on our phones as we are on computers, according to comScore, and the meaning is twofold: online dating will both continue to grow in terms of popularity, and shrink as a barrier to meeting people, ahem, offline.
In 2015, the company's test drivers disengaged — a jargon term that means they had to take manual control of the vehicle because the software failed or for safety reasons — at a rate of 0.8 times per 1,000 miles in California.
What all this means in practical terms: According to the company, employees that are currently retraining are two times more likely to be hired into one of these newer, mission - critical jobs and four times more likely to make a career advancement.
That means that each time you play through, «Below» will be completely unique, at least in terms of environments.
If a page is too new, it might not be getting enough traffic to get all the needed data, that's my logic, but I don't know what «too new» means in terms of time.
This press release contains forward - looking statements within the meaning of Section 27A of the Securities Act of 1933 and Section 21E of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 that involve risks and uncertainties, including, without limitation, statements regarding Tribune Publishing's expectations regarding the timing of its name change and transfer to Nasdaq, the impact of its rebranding, its long - term growth, and its strategic plan.
I took me a long time to fully understand exactly what all those financial terms meant.
Due to the lifetime coverage and cash value, whole life insurance costs considerably more, meaning it can easily come to 10 times the cost of a term policy with the same death benefit.
Risk means variability of outcomes though, so even though this is still a negative Climate, short - term rallies should be fully expected from time to time.
And I understand the whole idea of that first job really boosting up income, just wish there was a way I could focus my financial efforts on something more long term in the mean time: /.
Compared with previous episodes of booming commodity prices, a floating currency, a sound but flexible medium - term framework for monetary policy and a flexible labour market mean we are doing much better this time than in the mid 1970s or early 1950s.
Both the terms customer experience and buyer experience taking on different meanings in this time period.
Keep in mind, though, that a longer payment term can mean more interest paid over time, even though the rate is lower.
Longer time horizons mean investors can benefit from higher returns of riskier assets like stocks, while weathering short - term volatility.
I do not object to paying 25 per cent of any short - term (one - year) capital gain, but when it comes to gains that include a tax on inflation that occurred over long periods of time, it means severe injury to whatever real gain has been earned.
With these products, the term length is essentially just one year and premiums increase each time you enter a new age group, meaning they become incredibly expensive over the course of 15 or 20 years.
That means the loan term is 30 years and it will take you 30 years to repay it, unless you refinance or you prepay your mortgage and knock out the debt in a shorter time.
This means that if you don't take any action to withdraw or transfer that money, the account will renew for the same term length at the market rate at the time of renewal.
That doesn't mean there aren't good long - term positions that come up from time to time, and this author will be more keen to point those out when they do appear.
«Time - arbitrage just means exploiting the fact that most investors - institutional, mutual funds or hedge funds - tend to have very short - term horizons, have rapid turnover or are trying to exploit very short term anomalies.
For real estate, Owen talks about purchasing in premium locations (even if that means paying extra, and always think long term) and gives real life examples of properties in Vancouver and how they have appreciated over time.
Many times, investors drive up those multiples much faster than the earnings and revenues actually increase, which means that a company whose earnings are growing at 15 % a year can have stock price gains of multiples of that within a year, boosting the investor's short - term performance.
Many times successful long - term investing means going against every gut instinct you have and doing the exact opposite of what it feels like you should be doing at the time.
That means if you take a very long term moving average, that that moving average over 10 years, because it's not increasing over time, you take the average of that, the average is gonna be a lot lower than the current earnings on average.
The term of the cash advance is up to three months and you can opt to repay at any time, meaning you'll only pay for what you use.
There are no rules because asset price moves carry on for unpredictable amounts of time, even if they do tend to return to the mean over the long term.
Any time you see the term «self - directed,» it means that you're on your own.
In the short - term, however, we think low inflation trends in the eurozone mean the ECB is likely to remain accommodative for quite some time.
The flexible terms may mean while you have more time to pay off in smaller amounts, the total amount in the end is higher than your original intended amount
A term life insurance policy offers coverage for a specified period of time, meaning that if you die during the term of the policy the beneficiary will receive the specified payout (also known as the death benefit or face value of the policy).
As is the case when you enroll in an income - driven repayment plan, the problem with extending your repayment term is that spreading out your payments over a longer period of time means you may end up paying a lot more in interest (see table below).
At the same time, extending the timeline of your student loan repayment means you'll accrue more interest and pay more over the long term.
Maintaining exposure to stocks at all times means you ride a roller coaster, but it also means that you earn the long - term returns that accrue to stocks, which market timers rarely do.
Construction methods include equal weighting, two versions of minimum volatility, three versions of mean - variance optimization, eight versions of reward - to - risk timing (six of which involve factor models) and a characteristic - based scheme that each year estimates stock weights based on market capitalization, book - to - market ratio, gross profitability, investment, short - term reversal and momentum.
The functional meaning of this term (which is otherwise undefined) is found in the identity politics of our time, not in any academic pursuit.
Christians believe that a mortal person has an immortal soul, and that this immortal soul can be provided with a resurrected, «sanctified» (which effectively means purified, unblemished, and apparently lacking genitalia) body... the term Eternal Life tends to be used to describe the idea that a «True Believer» in Christ (a term open to many, many interpretations) will have their immortal soul implanted in that resurrected body and they will get to live for all time with Christ, apparently singing a lot and doing very little else.
The term translated to as with means bed every other time it's used in Leviticus and when Paul referred to that scripture when writing the clobber passage in Corinthians he rewrote bed.
Everybody paying they're fair share — I've heard «paying their fair share» may times — let's give the term some meaning for liberals.
The central allegation of paradox seems to me to run roughly as follows: a nontemporal divine experience would include in itself all events in time (cf. CSPM 105); but to experience all temporal events simultaneously would dissolve any real distinction between past and future (cf. CSPM 66); so there could be no temporal transition, no change, no contingency, and no freedom (cf. CSPM 137); and since nothing could become, there could be no real permanent and unchanging reality either, «for then the contrast between the terms, and therewith their meaning, must vanish» (CSPM 166).
The term «eternal» does not function here as meaning outside of time or enduring through all time.
It is this kind of experience which perhaps best explains the meaning of the traditional term «eternal life» — which is now not conceived as an extension in time of our personal existence but as a new dimension of existence into which one can enter during his natural life.
By the time he applied the term «Son of man» to the suffering servant prophecy, «the Son of man» must have meant to him practically «I.» Obviously all this can not be proved; other possibilities must be recognized.
The meaning of time (which has always been a problem for philosophers) when seen in terms of God's self - revelation is that it is the mode of becoming that a world has to assume while it is receiving God into itself.
Or is the term relative — meaning that something that is a to'ebah to one person may not be offensive to another, or something that is a to'ebah in one culture may not be offensive in another, or something that is a to'ebah in one generation or time period may not be offensive in another — in which case the law may change as people's perceptions change?
It was not an ideal circumstance, but it instilled in me a healthy instinct not to edit more than necessary» though «necessary» is here a term subject to debate» and at all times to attend carefully to the author's intended meaning (however inscrutable that might be).
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