Sentences with phrase «term measures of success»

At least when it comes to school - choice programs (think charter schools, vouchers to attend private schools, magnet programs, etc.), researchers found that improving test scores doesn't guarantee students will have better chances of achieving long - term measures of success like high school graduation, entrance to college or higher incomes.
It is claimed the approach would «shift the focus to long - term achievement rather than short - term measures of success».

Not exact matches

«Imagine a world where every one of us has a mission in life, has the courage to reach out to people who can help, has the will to succeed and measure success not in financial terms, but by how many people they help or touch along the way.»
Sales executives are accustomed to measuring the success of their sales force in terms of volume — such as total number of calls or total revenues.
You don't have to turn any followers away, but try not to measure your success exclusively in terms of the number of followers you were able to attract.
That pursuit of innovation is precisely the kind of behaviour that is a marker for long - term success, as measured by revenue growth, going public or being acquired and rolled up into something larger.
The operational measures (registered members, unique users and page views) are based on member growth and engagement, which our board of directors believes is key to our long - term success.
Focused on what is normally termed the «pre-commercial» phase, before a new product is broadly available on the market, the «Commercialization Research and Preparedness Assistance (CRPA) Program would provide support to companies for innovation in commercialization and market preparedness measures to achieve higher levels of business success.
«If intelligence is the ability to integrate, creativity is the ability to integrate information from seemingly unconnected sources, and a measure of both abilities is necessary for long term success in markets.»
That long - term perspective allows us to take advantage of investors with shorter time horizons, many of whom measure the success of an investment in three to five quarters.
Even though Google has changed the game a little in terms of returning the most relevant page for your site, this is still the standard way of measuring the success of a campaign.
These objectives are often very important, but few who measure practical theology in terms of pastoral skills recognize how much knowledge is required to do any of these things in ways that will yield more than short - term success.
But there has been a compulsive concentration on the means of attaining success with little concern about the broader terms in which success is to be measured.
The number of unemployed clergy and empty pulpits is alarming to those who measure success in traditional terms.
They are a mission - driven lifestyle brand whose success is not just measured or defined in sales and revenue, but in positive social impact and the creation of long - term, sustainable change.
This is especially true in a society where the greatest temptation is not to murder or steal but is rather to orient your life toward your own self - satisfaction measured in terms of worldly success or possessions or pleasure.
And the company has a number of long - term employees — Sendik's says it measures its success not just in dollars and cents, but also in how it has developed employees and built lasting relationships with them.
This isn't a case of «what have you done for me lately» as that would imply that things went off the rails fairly recently, and it's certainly not a change simply for the sake of change scenario, as we're not so naive to believe that this alone would guarantee long - term success, this is a measured response based on YEARS of questionable decisions, failed tactics, boardroom blunders, unprecedented losses and a level of dishonesty never before seen at our club.
Success rate is a common Football Outsiders tool used to measure efficiency by determining whether every play of a given game was successful or not (the terms: 50 percent of necessary yardage on first down, 70 percent on second down, and 100 percent on third and fourth down).
Generally you can measure the league success of teams by their income, and in broad terms the income league table is not too dissimilar to the current Premier League table.
My advice is to renew your goal of success measured in the long term outcomes of your efforts.
Sometimes success is measured in terms of things not getting worse.
LeBarre said the bond measure was approved because the school district worked with members of the community, discussing the need for resources to help boost their children's long - term success with improved nutrition and the plans for how the funds will be used to accomplish these goals.
One classic measure of a site's long - term success is its «stickiness» — the extent to which it keeps people on the site for long periods and also keeps them coming back for more.
We also need to think about how we measure success, how all of this converts into pound and dollar signs if we are to keep these projects going long term.
«As a long term investor, the fund's performance is best measured by its success over a period of years if not decades, but we always welcome a strong quarter.»
Why would success be measured only in terms of succession?
Success can't be measured in terms of the ratio of government expenditure to GDP, as someone on the Tory right — say, John Redwood — would like.
Your Odds of Beating Cancer Success in the battle against cancer is often measured in terms of the «five - year relative survival rate.»
But most experts agree that if current indicators are a measure of long - term success, then Singapore is right on track.
In 2007, Keith Baker of the US Department of Education made a rough comparison of long - term correlations between the 1964 mathematics scores and several measures of national success decades later.
«Our study sought to create an accurate predictor and measure of success and we showed that if the procedure improved electrical communication in the heart immediately following catheter ablation, then it can be a read - out for longer term success
As an alternative, some programs have begun to incorporate measures of non-cognitive skills (e.g., structured interviews that specifically assess these skills [20]-RRB- as less biased and much stronger predictors of potential for long - term success.
If you are looking for a web site that measures success of their programs by how many marriages or long term commitments came as a result of the contacts on the web site, you will want to look for a site that specializes in this activity.
Wenders, the most commercially successful exponent of the neue deutsche Kino, has become known as the most «American» member of the movement, in terms of his filmic content as well as the measure of success that he has achieved in carving his own niche as a European filmmaker in America.
Because test scores are not necessarily the best measure of learning or of likely economic success, we examine instead the relationships between SFR - induced spending increases and several long - term outcomes: educational attainment, high school completion, adult wages, adult family income, and the incidence of adult poverty.
These school indicators should also incorporate other measures of key ingredients to long - term success, such as student performance in writing and oral presentations, teaching and curriculum quality, student attitudes and culture, attendance, and school leadership and management.
School Wastage Study - National Absenteeism in Armenia «The term, school wastage, can be broadly defined as lack of demonstrated school success or realized educational gain (or value), measured as output of student achievement, outcome of social and economic returns, from provided educational services, finance, and other schooling related consumption of resources.
Ironically, because I measured «success» in terms of the likely returns to the original investors at the moment these companies exited — that is, went public or were sold — my list of companies overlapped greatly with Knee's, including both Amplify and K12, a Knowledge Universe company.
However, they also measured long - term student success in a nonexperimental analysis of 104 Chicago high schools, including seven Noble network schools, examining average college enrollment rates in the graduating class of 2013.
Rather than providing students skills that have real currency in today's labor market and preparing them for gainful employment, accountability provisions in the federal No Child Left Behind Act and Race to the Top funding program have focused on increasing short - term gains that measure success or failure of schools.
An alternative way of defining and measuring success at school would be in terms of the progress or growth that students make over the course of a year, regardless of their starting point.
Extra gains associated with long - term attendance in small classes (in the early grades) appeared not only for tests of measured achievement, but also for other measures of success in education;
This, to me, is the strongest indicator of the program's success, but in the long term I will want to measure success by the impact that our alumni have on society.
If the success of tactics and short - term wins are the measuring stick, the anti-testing crowd has reason to celebrate.
After all, the success of any initiative has to be measured by long - term adoption, and not just immediate outcomes, right?
Businesses have earning reports and stock prices as measures of success; schools seeking multiple purposes — see above — are expected to show immediate, midterm, and long - term results, many of whichare hardly reducible to numbers.
According to Donofrio, the success of the Your Environment Character Education program can be measured in concrete terms.
The alternative is to measure success in terms of the progress individuals make in their learning, regardless of their starting points.
Performance Contracting A quality authorizer executes contracts with charter schools that articulate the rights and responsibilities of each party regarding school autonomy, funding, administration and oversight, outcomes, measures for evaluating success or failure, performance consequences, and other material terms.
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