Sentences with phrase «term nature»

The phrase "term nature" means the characteristic or quality of something over a specific period of time. Full definition
Potential investors should carefully consider the long term nature of an investment in digital currencies prior to making an investment decision.
Yet, most critics focus on the high costs associated with these loans and the short term nature of repayment.
Their short - term nature makes it virtually impossible for school districts to plan effectively, which can drive up property taxes.
This is partially because of the higher administrative costs of managing the decreasing term nature of the policy, and also because it serves a very specific purpose.
Due to the short term nature of the loan, the lenders are able to use a different set of criteria than those required for long - term, higher - risk circumstances.
We will begin by identifying, in this week's posting, some of the different customer and service provider concerns that arise from the long term nature of the relationship.
Due to the short term nature of payday loans, and the high APR that comes as part of the package, payday loans should only be used for financial emergencies and not frivolous spending.
The longer term nature of Libor positions made it harder to identify losses linked to manipulation.»
«The short term nature of most Forex trades means that any manipulation will create clear winners and losers.
Ammann told Bloomberg Businessweek the company decided not to stay neutral as Uber and Lyft duke it out due to the «level of integration and cooperation that will be required, particularly for the longer term nature of this.»
The company engineers industrial automated systems, and the long - term nature of its projects can create serious payment delays.
Rather, this is intended to purely be a momentum - based trade of a very short - term nature (estimated 2 to 5 days holding time).
Rather than stay neutral in the battle between Uber and Lyft, GM invested because of the «level of integration and cooperation that will be required, particularly for the longer term nature of this,» he said in a phone interview.
These structural reforms, undertaken by the Conservative government, were of the longer - term nature, not designed to generate immediate large saving.
A equity investment in a high risk seed or early stage company does not align with the longer term nature of the assets of a registered savings plan.
The short - term nature of the flows added to the woes.
This episode also demonstrates the flexibility offered by the medium - term nature of Australia's inflation target.
CRL's Day says that the short - term nature of payday loans is deceiving; the duration masks the fact that the cost of the loan is equivalent to triple - digit APRs, and many borrowers find that these loans rope them into months» worth of debt a few weeks at a time.
Because this trend reversal is of such a long - term nature, it may provide swing traders with many stock and ETF buying opportunities in the semiconductor sector; not only in the near - term, but in the intermediate - term as well.
A review of the data clearly reveals the short - term nature of much investment behavior today.
Our size and scope allow us to make meaningful contributions to communities and the long - term nature of our operations means we are able to build collaborative community relationships.
«We need to consider the long - term nature of the Canada — U.S. relationship as well,» said Malaket.
Retirement accounts are included on this list due to their long - term nature, as you can't generally access your money in a retirement account without paying a 10 percent penalty until you're at least 59.5 years old.
Jake Luhrs writes about the short - term nature of our addictions as opposed to the long - term desires of our spirit.
In spite of the short - term nature of the class, it seemed to stimulate constructive communication among some of the couples.
This is assumed because of the short - term nature of treatment and the community involvement concept.
Queensland Dairyfarmers Organisation president Brian Tessman said while the long - term nature of the deal was welcome, he was concerned about farmers during the transition to the new contracts.
These options are somewhat popular before the season starts, but do not get a lot of action because of the long - term nature of the bet, strict betting limits, and the significant odds usually associated with these bets.
However, instead of focusing on the unpredictable and often short - term nature of transfer rumours, I prefer to try and play a longer game and stock up on young players who are perhaps under the radar now, but ones who I believe will make household names for themselves within the next couple of years and therefore should see a healthy increase in their share price accordingly.
Given the short - term nature of Brazilian managers come eight would not be surprising to see Luxemburgo out of the job in the next few weeks if results are not improve.
The term nature deficit disorder was coined in this book to describe the decreased amount of time children spend outside in nature, which is related to many health and behaviour issues.
The relatively short - term nature of the appointment is understood to be an attempt to address concerns among the trade unions that their favoured candidates have been overlooked.
He aims to define himself partly by drawing attention to Miliband's short - term nature, the latter's attempt to get a quick hit in the polls by offering heating - price curbs that are undelivered.
It is easy to forget, while the internal issues in the Labour Party are hurtling along at break - neck speed, that there are problems within the Conservative Party too — problems of a quieter, longer - term nature but no less dangerous for that.
involved in making films; and the short - term nature and immediate gratification of film projects.
The long - term nature of the study allowed the team to do watershed balances and look at the inputs and outputs of the sulfur «budget» for the area.
I really enjoyed my postdoctoral career in London and later in Oxford and my wife's high - profile career insulated me from the relatively modest salary and short - term nature of postdoctoral research contracts.
His approach accounts for the long - term nature of networking.
Harvard's own letter to regulators mentions the «long - term nature» of the problems.
These sobering statistics have led author and nature advocate Richard Louv to coin the term Nature Deficit Disorder.
«If we want to be disruptive and allow for education to have a different experience in the United States, we need to recognize the long - term nature of this work and stop using short - term yardsticks to measure progress.»
Louv's invention of the term nature - deficit disorder, he says, «got a national conversation started.»
Finally, there are legitimate concerns that districts may underinvest in teacher preparation, given the long - term nature of the benefits and the fact that teachers may move and take their training with them.
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