Sentences with phrase «term of disdain»

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My assessment is that the wider disorientation of Western society, the decreasing respect for many institutions and the disdain for humans alongside what Christopher Lasch has termed a «culture of narcissism» has played out both among the «spiritual but not religious» identifiers as well as among many «new atheists.»
When we consider the racial or ethnic dynamics of the play, two points stand out: First, racial difference is a source of animosity, suspicion, and disdain; second, despite the animosity, suspicion, and disdain, not even Shakespeare's fictionalized Venice can be described as a racist society in the modern sense of the term.
In case you don't know about Coach Tony, he is what I would call a «guy's guy»: a tough - talking «shock jock» - type of radio host who tends to shoot from the hip, and with a reputation for disdaining political correctness and for using outdated terms for people he doesn't like (I cringed while listening to an earlier show when he used the word «retarded» and «retard» more than a dozen times to describe a person he did not care for).
In scores of websites, blogs and articles, they've expressed their disdain for the term in the strongest words possible.
Astorino allies made little secret of their disdain with the GOP leadership in the chamber, and blasted Senate Republicans during the gubernatorial campaign for not effectively opposing Cuomo's first term policies.
Everyone interviewed for this article expressed some degree of disdain for a term that seems to relegate the skills it's describing to the backseat.
Education Secretary Betsy DeVos, who has made clear her disdain for the traditional public education system, uses that term now to describe her critics, along with «sycophants of the system.»
He disdained the term Minimalist, along with the whole idea of art movements.
In terms of climate science, the authors» leave «little doubt about their disdain for what they regard as the misuse and abuse of science by a small cabal of scientists they see as largely lacking in requisite climate science expertise».
My curiosity about what that term meant, its appearance (twice in two successive lines) in the original version of the provision, and its subsequent removal, resulted in my commitment that Justice Rogers also noted, with obvious disdain.
Also, is the «traditional view» embodied by the term «client» really limited to feelings of disrespect and disdained status?
I'll explain their disdain for term insurance and their love of whole life shortly.
In a heads - up battle on the same terms with those OSes, Tizen deserves every ounce of disdain it usually receives.
Tetra, a new entrant in the cryptocurrency exchange sector, describes itself as a semi-decentralized, peer - to - peer exchange with an emphasis on security and usability Tetra will help create the next wave of cryptocoin adoption which will benefit all cryptocurrency users from investors to traders to businesses.The term peer - to - peer exchange tends to suggest the idea of a strong emphasis on privacy and anonymity, as well as a certain level of disdain for Know - Your - Customer KYC rules, meddling r
In terms of the motivation, the alienating parent holds no value at all for the other parent (whether motivated by fears, emptiness, helplessness) and the hatred and disdain are completely overt.
«Perhaps we can borrow from social media to coin a term which suitably describes judicial disdain for this type of behaviour:
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