Sentences with phrase «term of governance»

There seem to be two key reasons why southern European countries have performed so poorly in terms of governance.
«Through the Geneva process, we will start a political process to resolve Syria's future in terms of its governance structure,» Tillerson said.
Hardenberg said the fund would take fairly large stakes in companies, which might be in trouble or have fairly low ratings in terms of their governance and transparency.
In a joint statement, the foreign and finance ministers of Germany, France and Italy said they would work to ensure the new institution «follows the best standards and practices in terms of governance, safeguards, debt and procurement policies.»
While noting that as a party, the PDP shares in the joy of the health recovery of Mr President, and has always joined in the prayers for the quick recovery of the nations number one citizens, loss of man hour with the declaration of a public holiday, is an indication that they have reached the lowest ebb in terms of governance.
«Not only did he have an incredible first year in terms of governance and what he's been able to get done, but those numbers are about as impressive as you could ever see.»
In terms of governance, a plurality of voters (40 percent) say taxes should be Cuomo's top focus this year, while 38 percent say it should be health care and 33 percent say it should be education.
«We are in a hurry to possess what belongs to us, we are using Ebonyi State model to market PDP across the 36 states in the country, Ebonyi is a pace - setter in terms of governance,» he said.
«I got more of a chance to learn about how things work in the civil service and why things go wrong, particularly in terms of governance and policy,... than if I had come in at a higher grade and had to assume management responsibilities in a somewhat alien culture to the average scientist.»
«Colleges have quite a bit to offer in terms of governance, leadership and management of running autonomous education institutions, so we have quite a bit to bring.»
The board will provide a higher - level oversight in terms of governance,» LeRoy said.
When parents in poverty seek public education options for their children they are told to choose between public schools that are falling apart and underfunded and charter schools that have no legal obligations to serve all students, are full of inexperienced teachers using scripted lessons, frequently use excessive discipline to drive away harder to teach students, and which are completely opaque in terms of governance and parental input.
Then again, hope springs eternal again re Japan, in terms of governance / IR reforms & potential activist success — so gaining exposure to some genuine value - enhancement (and / or activism) might actually offer that free lunch after all... as long as it comes at the right price.
It's a nanny state, having more in common with Singapore in terms of governance than its local neighbors.
And part of the issue, as pointed out in the documentary, is that we still don't have a truly functioning democracy in modern governments, even in the U.S., where we loudly trumpet the fact that we are a model for the world in terms of governance and civic engagement.
The Dutch bank recognizes that cryptocurrencies face challenges in terms of governance, maturity, speed, and ease of integration with established institutions.
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