Sentences with phrase «term of innovation»

Because they oft offer little in terms of innovation, most altcoins are of little interest to serious investors.
There was a great deal of pride in our school and work, but we really weren't pushing the envelope in terms of innovation.
The bear scene alone beats anything of terms of innovation compared to others (ok sad comparison but nothing in TFA could've NOT been done in» 78).
Companies like John West and Bumble Bee are leading the way in terms of innovation at the moment, as you will see in a recent news item published on this site, and others must follow suit in order to keep pace.
Because this gap grows much wider in the later grades, Bell and Chetty suggest that «low - income children start out on relatively even footing with their higher - income peers in terms of innovation ability, but fall behind over time, perhaps because of differences in their childhood environment.»
In conclusion, although there's nothing really in terms of innovation with this online portal (aside from the additional capability to send gift cards to someone else) it does provide with yet another avenue to earn United miles.
Amazon hasn't been sitting on its hands in terms of innovation either.
In February 2005 the Canadian scientist Dr Louis Lefebvre announced a method of measuring avian IQ in terms of their innovation in feeding habits.
Taking too many chances in terms of innovation can be costly, and can negatively impact the budget, while playing it too safe can put you behind the curve in relation to your competitors.
For inspiration in terms of innovation, I look to Steve Jobs, as do many designers, inventors and entrepreneurs.
In terms of innovation, government doesn't lead the way, but it can help push something forward.
«There's an advantage in this kind of plan in terms of speed, but there's a big disadvantage in this plan in terms of innovation,» said Eric C. Peterson, manager of diversity and inclusion Society for Human Resource Management.
A recent article in The New York Times joined the naysayers by featuring a group of economists dismissing the big data wave as no match for the Internet or gasoline engine in terms of innovations that have defined economic revolutions.
The financial industry has been so limited by process and tradition that it has fallen behind in terms of innovation and digital development, leaving opportunities for less - established fintech startup businesses to seize opportunities in the marketplace.
Healthcare has historically lagged behind other industries in terms of innovation, but recent legislation has propelled the industry to adopt critical new technologies.
«They are more progressive than I thought in terms of innovation and tech,» MacKenzie says.
However, despite a move in the right direction by a handful of LatAm's strongest economies, a recent UN report raises concerns that the region is falling behind in terms of innovation.
One consulting firm, in fact, just named San Francisco as having the best long - term outlook in terms of innovation and business.
In terms of innovation, RIM is currently lacking behind Apple and Google, they are presently working on numbers of different projects.
Where is Canada now in terms of innovation and entrepreneurship, and what will the future bring?
What's Now, What's NEXT highlights where Canada is now in terms of innovation and entrepreneurship, and predicts what the next 150 years will bring.
Electro Freeze continues to lead the market in terms of innovation and new features, and Klingler says the company looks for ways to incorporate new technology into its equipment to make life easier for its clients.
Our goal is to be the leader in cruise ship dining in terms of innovation.
We truly understand that the final product will be as good as the raw materials that go into making it therefore we source only from reliable suppliers who share the same vision like us in terms of innovation, product integrity and business continuum.
«Faux meat has come a long way in terms of both innovation and consumer acceptance, with meatless, «bleeding» burgers and lab - grown chicken found on menus and in grocery store aisles across the country,» Mr. Roberts said.
To stand still in terms of innovation is surely to be left behind, so get your thinking caps on and throw those suggestions into the ring — something may just stand out.
Each year, the one - of - a-kind awards program honors industry excellence by recognizing new glass packages that demonstrate the highest quality in terms of innovation, package design, and shelf impact.
Professor Sam Afrane also described the current mentorship system for private universities as cumbersome, indicating that it slows the growth of private institutions in terms of innovation and advancement.
The trend toward transformative research is fueled by nations» efforts to use science and technology to leapfrog competition in terms of innovation and economic development in a globalized environment, says Robert Frodeman, a philosophy professor at the University of North Texas, Denton, and director of the Center for the Study of Interdisciplinarity.
«As a species we have thrived in terms of numbers and in terms of innovations, but rapid and adverse climate change could certainly threaten our success.»
These findings have potential business applications in terms of innovation and exploration.
When Korea's BB Cream craze expanded (or rather, exploded) into the U.S. in 2011, we were suddenly made aware of just how far ahead of the skincare game Asia was in terms of both innovation and technology.
They don't offer much in term of innovation and usually revolve around the same mundane tasks.
While Summoner 2 doesn't push the envelope in terms of innovations in graphics and gameplay department, it really shines in other areas.
U was kinda disappointing in terms of innovation, I thought this title would be so too.
Destiny 2 is a sequel that appears to play it safe in term of innovations and instead tries to improve on the solid gameplay roots set by the original.
Given the mounting consumer demands on modern - day businesses in terms of innovation and time - to - market speed, segmenting projects into bite - sized tasks for distribution among team members is the way forward.
That also bodes well in terms of innovation — if states or districts had more stringent rules, they would likely kill much of the transformational potential of micro-credentials by forcing them to resemble traditional PD.
We are in a privileged situation as observers of everything that is being done, because here millions of good practices are received weekly from the centers in terms of innovation, success stories, things they want to tell us and share with other teachers... We try to collect them and spread them in the best way we can and we know.
Research shows that organizations with a strong learning culture outperform their peers in terms of innovation, productivity, quality, and market leadership.
It's neat that GM is watching the market when it comes to new transmissions and light - duty diesel offerings, but it'd be great if the company actually stepped forward and once again led the entire segment in terms of innovation.
Here's a few highlights on these new models, which each represent a further expression of the brand's constant evolution in terms of innovation, technological contents and performance:
Discovery has led the way in terms of innovation, featuring technologies such as Terrain Response, which made off - road capability more accessible.
Discovery has led the way in terms of innovation, featuring technologies such as Terrain Response, which made off - roading much more accessible.
The Mercedes - Benz S - Class has achieved a benchmark status, in its class, as it has always been a car that has been ahead of its competition; may it be in terms of innovation, comfort or even...
There was a time, not too long ago, where their online presence was very stagnant, and they lagged behind every other major company, in terms of innovation.
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