Sentences with phrase «term of recovery»

They are able to grow emotionally and measure their personal development in terms of recovery from the loss.
In terms of recovery after a race, the idea is similar.
This is an important distinction in terms of recovery rates after defaults.
An ambulance accident may leave a victim seriously injured, facing extensive medical care and a lengthy term of recovery.
A high protein and carb shake can do a great job in terms of recovery.
At Kessler Foundation, I intend to study how each domain affects the others in terms of recovery of mobility and well - being.
In a consumer proposal you repay your creditors through a negotiated, legal, debt settlement administered by a consumer proposal administrator At Hoyes Michalos, we know how to balance what the creditors are looking for in terms of recovery while ensuring that what you offer fits within your budget.
And in terms of recovery from the Wii U era, Nintendo's previous home console sold 7.3 million units over its first 10 months.
Unfortunately, the New York State's EPTL is quite narrow in terms of the recovery allowed for wrongful death claims.
Scores on the RQ tended to be associated with a bad outcome in terms of recovery of presenting symptoms at 1 year follow - up.
Indeed, the discussion of completeness given above is all in terms of recovery of a large set of simulated lenses, just as it would be in the case of an automated method — and in both cases, the limiting factor is the realism of the training set.
The Warriors were being extremely cautious and non-committal on his status as questions continued to arise about where he was in terms of recovery.
But he was hospitalised with abdominal pains in the US at the beginning of this month and although he has returned to training at his base in Font Romeu he has said that the Commonwealth Games come too soon in terms of his recovery.
The data the readout provided upon waking would let me know where I was in terms of recovery, not caring what I did for a workout the day before or how easy I thought I went.
Now that things are beginning to look up in terms of recovery, I've been incorporating more lower body work into my exercise regimen.
It will be an emotional step backwards, in terms of your recovery.
In terms of recovery, if your dog has responded to treatment, the prognosis is good.
Southern right whale and western bowhead whale populations are depleted but appear to be recovering; this does not mean that they should no longer be considered endangered, but simply that they are doing much better than their cousins in terms of recovery.
The Request for Direction sought orders to ensure that claimants were not being charged excessive fees beyond those permitted and approved under the IRSSA and, where excess fees had been charged, sought direction in terms of recovery of those fees on behalf of the claimants.
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