Sentences with phrase «term of story»

That doesn't mean this isn't still a forgettable mess in terms of story structure and development.
In terms of story progress, everything remains the same.
That's about all you will get in terms of story for most of the game, but it doesn't need to expand — it just works.
In terms of the story there is also some explanation from the product page.
In term of the story content, there is not a lot to go here.
In terms of story events, Season 3 is pretty awesome but some of the way it's handled could be better.
There is actually very little in terms of story progression from beginning to end.
There is not much to do here in term of story and it is fairly basic way of presenting a fight between good and evil.
I am boring in terms of story of my life, I had a stroke when I was 7, it really messed up my life.
It seems afraid to try anything new in terms of story telling.
However, we have worked very hard to make sure the game plays against expectations of action / roleplaying games in terms of story development, and the way the games world interacts with you.
First off, as alluded to above, the film adheres very closely to its predecessor in terms of its story structure, so if you've seen the 1976 film, you'll likely be bored in seeing the same scenes play out in ways that are vastly inferior.
As you progress through the single player, completing specific goals and fighting for survival you meet new characters and even though it's quite choppy in terms of a story line, the simple yet stunning drawn cut scenes and the challenges that you face soon make you forget about the odd discrepancy.
It can be a hellish experience for a writer when no amount of work on a project pays off in terms of the story taking flight, and that was the case with my draft about a middle - aged woman living on a farm during the Civil War.
Either the miraculous dimension is dismissed as legend (by those who don't believe in miracles) or treated in terms of story outside normative late - modern reality (by those who do).
It's interesting to see a film about a space alien that doesn't resemble anything we've ever seen before, as most others have some sort of humanoid appearance, (or reptilian, etc.) Indeed, it's a much more plausible depiction of an alien threat than most other sci - fi efforts have featured, almost the opposite in terms of story as The War of the Worlds which featured aliens defeated from exposures to germs and viruses of our own.
The two give a certain grain and beauty to the photography, making the Rust Belt pop in terms of story environments.
So, while Assault on Precinct 13 may call back to classics in terms of story beats, it is 100 % pure John Carpenter to the core.
Details are murky in terms of the Story Pad, but we know the specs are comparative to the Cruz Reader, the Story Pad is different because the model is aimed at kids.
Mark Waid: Besides working for free on my own end of it, the hardest part by far has been making the jump from print to digital in terms of story construction.
To wrap this up, I really think that Children of Arkham is a huge step up from Realm of Shadows in terms of story with many questions raised and vastly more interesting and pertinent decisions to be made.
Marvel vs. Capcom 3 does a good job of bringing together a diverse set of characters, both in terms of story presentation and overall balance.
In terms of Story Mode, Xenoverse 2 throws you into a fantastical world in the Dragon Ball Z universe where you create your own protagonist and become a member of the Time Patrol team.
To some this choice might seem somewhat archaic but is a small yet perfect way to bring a sense of panic and urgency to the player not through terms of story but in the meta game.
While clearly a diverse slate in terms of subject, it's not feeling as diverse in terms of stories of and by non-white talent as last season's Best Picture nominees and winners, in front of or behind the camera.
However, that doesn't keep Hollywood moments from creeping in now and then, with lots of soap opera antics and fisticuffs that would seem injected in order to make the tale of these boys more cohesive in terms of story development, resulting in a forced climax and epilogue that probably comes more out of fantasyland than out of the recollections of a documentarian.
To head Jay off at the pass, narrative film and documentary film play in different ballparks in terms of story structure, buget, industry standard residuals.
It's one of the best games of the last generation in terms of story progress and design, but most bad in boss fight also: P
Evaluate and select scenes in terms of the story line that improves the value or story continuity
There's not much in terms of a story here, but I was constantly reminded of the Sonic The Hedgehog franchise throughout the game.
Many of these books convey messages of hope or courage in terms of story or autobiography (e.g., The Hiding Place, by Corrie ten Boom).
In terms of story, what's the deal?
The Rainbow Fish is a beautiful book, in terms of story and illustrations.
Sure, this puppy reeks of epic in terms of story and scope, but the cards that The Stand brings to the table fit more into the small ball category.
Just don't expect anything ground breaking in terms of story.
It gets really bigger in terms of both story and the stakes.
In terms of story and overall quality, well, that's purely dependent on personal opinion.
... does not quite compare to some of Disney's finest animated work in terms of story or character, but it surely holds its own in terms of artwork and sound design.
The three episodes given to critics are by far the most consistent in terms of story and tone of any comparable stretch from season one.
The combat system is fast and sharp, but also repetitive, and because there is so little in terms of story and characters, there are few reasons to replay the game once the short adventure is over.
While short, this game is worth every dollar, thanks to fantastic writing in terms of story.
In terms of the story, it was wholly engrossing.
Overall, I'd find it difficult to picture even die - hard Saw fans finding much to like about this one, other than the expected gore and over-the-top deaths, because in terms of story and acting, this one hits an all new low for the franchise.
This game (and series, for that matter) offers one of the greatest experiences in terms of story and character development.
In terms of story, Classic Sonic's appearance makes little sense — it's just said that because of Infinite's powers, the dimensional fabric has been torn and Classic Sonic appears... although no other dimensional trickery really occurs, there's no second Eggman or Tails from previous titles, just Sonic.
«Last Flag Flying» is a two - hour movie that burns out after an hour, as soon as we realize that there's really nothing that can happen in terms of story.
Alex Garland's screenplay is pretty lean in terms of story (in the way that Jaws can be described as lean) and is more concerned with psychological suspense as opposed to philosophical speculation.
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