Sentences with phrase «term public borrowing»

The province said its long - term public borrowing need for the current fiscal year was $ 39.9 billion, an increase of $ 200 million from the forecast last spring but up $ 1.2 billion from fall targets.

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The li» l ole borrowing and investing public will suffer, they say, if the banks aren't left alone to lend at whatever terms they please.
5Note that the term «public» is another example of Whitehead borrowing something from human social experience for metaphysical purposes, and note too how that appropriation is relevant to his use of the term «society» in this same context.
Cutting public services and jobs now will hit local economies, stunting economic growth, and ultimately force long - term borrowing up.»
The Finance Minister did not comply with section 56 (1) of the Public Financial Management Act, 2016 (Act 921) «the terms and conditions of all government borrowings shall be laid before Parliament and shall not come into operation unless the terms and conditions are approved by a resolution of Parliament in accordance with article 181 of the Constitution.
A first - term Conservative government will then have the freedom to bring public spending under control, reduce borrowing and introduce economy - boosting tax relief during the remainder of the parliament.
Not voting tonight will not cost the taxpayers an «additional $ 250,000», his words, because what he conveniently omits from his public statements on the issue is that even if we do apply the premium to the deficit he is still going to be short of cash this year and he will still have to borrow money through short - term borrowing.
In terms of ebooks, Kobo was the first company to allow you to borrow and read directly from the public library, as long as they used Overdrive.
The terms they offered those publishers aren't public, so I don't know what they were, but in the age of the digital book with on - demand borrowing, the only difference between borrowing and buying a book seems to be the money changing hands, or rather, not changing hands.
Borrowers interested in Balboa Capital's term loans should note that the company requires a UCC - 1 filing, which is a public disclosure that acts as a lien on the borrowing entity's assets.
Behind Door # 1, public corporations with record high debt loads will be rolling over obligations and «refinancing» them at higher borrowing terms.
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The charging system encourages medium and long - term borrowing, however the terms and conditions read that you must not leave the bicycle unattended or locked up in a public place.
The terms of this website are effectively requiring you to let SE borrow, forever, the post-it note that says «publicly display» so that they are not violating your exclusive right of public display.
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