Sentences with phrase «term side effects»

No long term side effects of creatine have been shown either.
Are there any potential long term side effects of taking fat burning supplements?
However, one short term side effect of creatine noted is that athletes who took more than the recommended amount of creatine experienced diarrhea, however this went away after reducing the dosage.
• There are no long term side effects from the treatments.
Long - term side effects include insulin resistance and a loss of bone density.
So there is a large body of information on its long - term side effects in people.
While steroids often provide relief to itchy skin, there are potential long - term side effects associated with them.
Your dog should not suffer any long term side effects other than possible secondary skin infections.
Because it is a natural plant source sweetener it also doesn't have the questionable long term side effects of chemically made sugar substitutes.
There is little doubt that there are numerous, short term side effects to undertaking a detox diet.
Long term side effects of alcohol use in a breastfeeding mother are not known.
Recent advancements have been made in the area of antipruritic medications for animals and there are now effective medications with fewer long term side effects such as cyclosporine (Atopica) and oclacitinib (Apoquel).
Lack of warning about long - term side effects by either a prescribing physician or dispensing pharmacy
If your child is prone to febrile seizures, it is important to consult with a holistic practitioner about natural strategies such as these that don't involve forcible reduction of the beneficial fever with drugs that risk long term side effects for your child's health.
According to Cooper, up to 30 % of patients who undergo chemotherapy for AML will have late term side effects that affect the heart.
The frequency of long term side effects did not differ between the four groups (p = 0.22).
Instead we are happy to gulp down an anti-allergic pill or some antibiotics which can have long term side effects on our immune system.
A lot of veterinary professionals have shown concern in regards to the long term side effects created by cortisone.
It is true that most dogs, especially large breeds, will not suffer from any life - threatening or long - term side effects if they have a little Bengay applied to a sore muscle every now and then, but this drug is not without its risks.
Given that heartworm preventives are insecticides designed to kill heartworm larvae inside your animal, and therefore have the potential for short and long - term side effects damaging to your pet's health, the first bit of information you need is your dog's actual risk of exposure to infected mosquitoes.
These short - term side effects usually lessen by decreasing the frequency or dosage of the prednisone, or by prescribing a different medication in its place.
If EA now goes on to say people will eat it up for every (or most) products, like they are with micro-transactions, then it can have serious long term side effects which disillusion the consumers in general.
In order to prevent long - term side effects from phenobarbital in dogs, Dr. Richards recommends regular blood tests to check liver and kidney functions.
Crohn's disease — a chronic inflammatory bowel disease — is often treated with steroids, which are associated with possible serious long - term side effects such as bone thinning, loss of muscle mass, weight gain, and an increased risk of infection.
While creatine shouldn't be regarded as a replacement for sleep since its ingestion did nothing to affect levels of catecholamines and cortisol in this study, it does show promise for at least dealing with some of the short term side effects of sleep deprivation such as impaired physical and mental performance.
Darshak Sanghavi, chief of pediatric cardiology at the University of Massachusetts Medical School in Worcester, notes that although the FDA has approved some statins for use in children with a genetic problem leading to high cholesterol, there are no studies on the drugs» long - term side effects in children.
They are most appropriate when treating localized itching, and as they are used in moderation and are not readily absorbed into the bloodstream, do not create the long - term side effects associated with oral or injectable steroids.
And perhaps the most disturbing is that the long - term side effects of such treatments are unknown.
Add to all of these insults the fact that purebred (and even mixed breed) animals may have genetic tendencies that can lead to greater susceptibility to these diseases and the potential for developing long term side effects from these diseases or the vaccines designed to prevent them.
In fact, happiness is a short - term side effect of eating veggies, which means that while increased health occurs over a longer period of time, happiness can increase much more quickly once one makes a habit of eating veggies.
I thought I would have a lifetime of expensive medication with unkown long - term side effects and that I would have to suffer with my disorder through pregnancy to avoid birth defects.
While steroid use leads to increased lean body mass, strength and muscle definition and decreases the recovery time from exercise, it also can have serious long term side effects (some of which may not be apparent until after a long - time abuser's playing days are over).
We are not insisting you go drug - free, but to be mindful of the long - term side effects they cause.
«But far more scientific research is necessary to determine if those treatments are helpful in overcoming sports injuries and, more importantly, without serious short - or long - term side effects
When parents incentivize behavior results tend to be short - term with long - term side effects.
Reglan is sometimes prescribed to women who have nausea or trouble lactating during breastfeeding, without properly being informed of the long term side effects.
However, all possible short and long - term side effects of melatonin use in children are not known.
The physical long - term side effects can be detrimental to a pregnancy and a woman's postpartum experience.
Another long - term side effect of sexual assault is avoidance, or the reducing and / or circumventing emotional pain associated with abuse - related experiences or recollections in order to cope.
Shorter term side effects are less milk supply letdown and your baby consuming less milk while there is alcohol present.
One of those risks include long term side effects.
These methods can be helpful as an immediate relief but many experts don't agree with them because any of these stimulations help the newborn only at the moment while the risk of having a negative long - term side effect is high.
For men with intermediate risk prostate cancer, radiation treatment with brachytherapy alone can result in similar cancer control with fewer long - term side effects, when compared to more aggressive treatment that combines brachytherapy with external beam therapy (EBT), according to research presented at the 58th Annual Meeting the American Society for Radiation Oncology (ASTRO).
The long - term side effects of HIV drug treatment, such as increased cholesterol and heart disease, that crop up after 10 or 15 years will still occur.
At the same time, we don't have any idea about its long - term side effects

Phrases with «term side effects»

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