Sentences with phrase «term use of the pill»

Long - term use of the pill was linked to reductions in risk for both cancers, and this was «generally consistent across health behaviors,» according to a team led by Kara Michels, a cancer institute epidemiologist.
However, long - term use of the pill appeared to have no effect on a woman's odds for either breast or colon cancers.

Not exact matches

Alright alright my use of the term «abortion pills» was meant to be pretty loose.
Use of oral contraceptives (usually referred to as «the pill»), even for just a few years, gives substantial long - term protection against endometrial (womb) cancer, and the longer the pill is used the greater the reduction in risk, according to a detailed re-analysis of all the available evidence, published in The Lancet Oncology journal.
MYTH: Long - term Pill use makes falling pregnant less likely A study at Copenhagen University Hospital last year found that levels of anti-Mullerian hormone and antral follicles, which predict fertilisation probability, were 19 and 16 per cent lower respectively in Pill users than those not taking a contraceptive pPill use makes falling pregnant less likely A study at Copenhagen University Hospital last year found that levels of anti-Mullerian hormone and antral follicles, which predict fertilisation probability, were 19 and 16 per cent lower respectively in Pill users than those not taking a contraceptive pPill users than those not taking a contraceptive pillpill.
Conventional treatment often consists of long - term use of the birth control pill, but Dr. Brooke shares other more holistic options that actually get to the root cause and eliminate symptoms (rather than just masking them).
I especially recommend that women who are coming off of long term pill use utilize this tool to get a natural, healthy cycle back.
However, when we wipe out the beneficial bacteria — and they are extremely vulnerable to broad spectrum antibiotics, to the contraceptive pill, to steroid medications prescribed on a long term basis, in fact to the majority of modern drugs that are used on a repeat prescription basis — we end up with what is called gut dysbiosis (damaged gut flora).
For me, the hormone imbalance has probably been caused by a few things; but the main contributor has been long term use of the contraceptive pill.
Although the term was coined for probiotic supplements, where the pill / capsule was supplemented with prebiotic fiber, (most commonly used is inulin), the use of probiotic synergistic food combination is actually cheaper, and in many cases even more effective.
Because prostaglandins serve functions in addition to simply causing inflammation, NSAID's can cause stomach upset or gastrointestinal bleeding, and while the risk of stomach irritation or bleeding certainly increases with long - term use of NSAID's, many exercising individuals simply pop these pills every now and again — for example, to reduce post or pre-workout soreness, or to be able to «push through pain» to complete a competition.
The truth is, there are no magic pills or miracle cures on the market and many of the products available are untested, use harmful ingredients, are unsafe and can be damaging to your long term health.
I came to the conclusion that I had a hormone imbalance due to long term use of the contraceptive pill, so I went to see a naturopath in Canada (where I was at the time).
There are numerous reasons why you're losing the good bugs... diarrhea, recurring prescriptions for antibiotics and steroids, long - term use of acid blockers and birth control pills and finally, processed foods.
However, a big reason for the decline in ovarian cancer death rates in some parts of the world is likely the use of birth control pills and the long - term protection against ovarian cancer they provide, study leader Dr. Carlo La Vecchia, a professor in the Faculty of Medicine at the University of Milan, Italy, and colleagues, suggested.
«This study confirms that long - term use [of the pill] causes a profound reduction in the risk of ovarian and endometrial cancers,» said Dr. Stephen Rubin, chief of gynecologic oncology at Fox Chase Cancer Center in Philadelphia.
According to Michels» group, because the pill supplies its own dose of one hormone, progestin, long - term use might then trigger a reduction in a second hormone, estradiol, «across the menstrual cycle.»
Unfortunately, unlike dogs, there is no drug used to treat heartworm infection in cats, so a long - term plan of proper vet care and maintaining monthly preventatives (like pills, topicals, or shots) is key.
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