Sentences with phrase «term usefulness of»

More research is necessary to determine the long - term usefulness of metformin for weight gain in autistic children and young adults.
The second phase of our evaluation is currently underway and is examining the long - term usefulness of the wikibook.
Pay attention to the signing bonus to see if it can help you meet your goals, but don't let it overshadow the long - term usefulness of the credit card you choose.
For a look at the long - term usefulness of P / B ratios I turn to the work of Kenneth French, finance professor at Dartmouth College in New Hampshire, who studies their merits.
Of course, both Cruz and Rubio would like to live in the White House, and it's hard to imagine that they haven't considered the long - term usefulness of building a list of people rabidly opposed to Obama's central legislative achievement (on that front, I signed the petition as «Bob Dobbs» and immediately landed on a page asking me to donate to the «Senate Conservatives Fund»).

Not exact matches

Diplomatically helping people see the usefulness of your product when they don't, and gracefully conceding when they genuinely don't need it, are cornerstones of long - term success.
Looking over the very long - term, it may also be worth something in the future, because value is always ascribed to things that have some combination of scarcity and usefulness.
The usefulness of the term «Millennial» is in describing the shift toward a consumer - driven shopping journey.
«Mark Hulbert's NASDAQ Newsletter Sentiment Index» reviews the usefulness of the Hulbert Stock Newsletter Sentiment Index (HSNSI), which «reflects the average recommended stock market exposure among a subset of short - term market timers tracked by the Hulbert Financial Digest.»
Perhaps we need to explore reforming all our communications to make them (1) competitive to all other communications in terms of their usefulness to members» lives; (2) made easily accessible for when members want to use them, rather than thrust on them involuntarily; and (3) the accessibility advertised rather than the information given.
Whether or not one uses the term «original sin» — and its usefulness has certainly been limited by the manner in which it has been employed by the literalists — the facts of experience which men were trying to verbalize when they coined the term must be taken into account in understanding the alcoholic and his situation.
I mean, obviously, to support those who think of the future usefulness of these bodies, and of their federative structures, in «gathered - church» more than in «churchly» terms — at that juncture I agree with Dean Kelley (Why Conservative Churches Are Growing [Harper & Row, 1972]-RRB- To put this concretely, let me offer just one example.
He does not see others as real persons, unique and of value in themselves, but in terms of their status, their usefulness, or their similarity to other individuals with whom he has had relationships in the past.
I also know how easy it is to see people only in terms of their usefulness and what they can contribute, including financially.
We do tend to agree with McArthur, however, that this criterion does have a usefulness in terms of establishing the authenticity of motifs from the ministry of Jesus, although rarely that of specific sayings, 60.
It is a church which seeks to prove its usefulness to civilization, in terms of civilization's own demands.
One of these is the pragmatic model of truth, according to which the truth of something is assessed in terms of its functional value or its usefulness.
This is the utilitarian principle at its evangelical best: evaluating and explaining learning and the arts in terms of their personal usefulness, in particular, in terms of what they do for an individual's personal piety.
The impression one receives is of apot - pourri of contemporaneous and non-contemporaneous sources brought together to support or embellish the point being made, but without the historical filter necessary to distinguish between their various degrees of usefulness in understanding the period on its own terms.
It doesn't necessarily have the glitz and glamour of a 4 star hotel, but it certainly makes up for it in terms of its usefulness.
They're not all equal in terms of quality or long - term usefulness, though.
«Over time, one develops a filtering process so that reading time is maximized in terms of usefulness for professional practice, writing, and sheer interest.
«We're collectively making a leap in terms of scale and usefulness of these systems,» he says.
But in his studies he gave the first major example of the usefulness of stellar statistics in that he could count the stars and interpret this data in terms of the extent in space of the Galaxy's star system.
Participants in the study came from the Teen - Longitudinal Assessment of Bariatric Surgery (Teen - LABS), a study designed to assess the short - and long - term safety and usefulness of bariatric surgery in teens.
Just when I think I've heard my favorite presentation another one comes along and blows me away in terms of it's scope and depth of research and experience backed information and immediate usefulness.
While measurement of unconjugated estriol may be helpful in terms of evaluating a woman's risk of cancer (an «Estrogen Quotient» [estriol divided by the sum of estrone and estradiol] of ≤ 1.0 suggests lower cancer risk), its usefulness is significantly hampered because 90 % of estriol is conjugated.
Ratings include: Individual listing costs, for memberships, membership terms, and premium cost variability Top features specific to each site, such as forums, news, videos, and chat rooms.A Pros and Cons comparison list to highlight both positive and negative aspects of each site Ease of Use ratings detailing site navigation and interface accessibility Editors Verdict, a snippet of personal opinion for your benefit summarizing a sites overall usefulness.
And while it's nice and sometimes useful to know those things, Perkins argues that instead, knowing how the location of rivers and harbors and other features of the land have been shaped and continue to shape the course of history offers more in terms of lifelong usefulness — more so than «a bag full of facts.
In terms of usefulness, two new Apps stand out from the new version of Docebo's learning management system.
Critical examination of online resources: Assessing the credibility and usefulness of information found online and in the media, for example, evaluating accuracy of source data, bias and relevance to learning goals; learning to think about and check for personal biases and everyone's tendency to confirmation bias; and varying search terms to find alternative perspectives.
Yes, there is text that is kind of wordy and academic, but in terms of usefulness of the contents, those tables of strategies can't be beat.
The academic achievement of elementary and secondary students from the 1970s through to the current decade is shown through the unique Long - term Trend Assessments, but the usefulness of that trend line measurement is imperiled by a proposed delay of 12 years until its next administration.
Then, the panel debates the usefulness of manual shift mode, and they help a viewer with questions about long - term storage of a hybrid vehicle.
The ride is smoother, the seats more comfortable, and GM has finally caught up to the competition in terms of refinement and the usefulness of the electronic gadgetry.
The term «self - publishing» may have outlived its usefulness, according to Jon Fine, director of author and publishing relations at Amazon... When asked at a recent past conference what «self - publishing» looked like in ten years, Fine... said that it probably won't be called that anymore.
It doesn't work for every app, but it makes a tablet much closer to a PC in terms of multi-tasking usefulness.
In cases where I do, ads still jog my memory, because you can maintain a wish list on Amazon or Goodreads or whatever; you can put release dates on your calendar; but that doesn't necessarily translate into something that reminds you to look for the book if you haven't checked your calendar that day or don't use the device that sends you the alert — and I've yet to see the usefulness of Amazon's wish list in terms of a memory jog.
Hence, most readers scan the summary of English term paper writing first to obtain an overview of the problem and to determine its usefulness to them.
The other modes are much more limited in terms of broad usefulness, but you will probably find that when the situation calls for it, each one can be quite helpful.
This is the clear winner in terms of general usefulness.
We are not responsible for the accuracy, completeness, or usefulness of the information provided by this calculator, and we have no obligation to extend an offer of credit or to match your terms to the terms provided by this calculator.
The Santa Ynez Valley Humane Society does not make any warranties or representations regarding the use of the materials in this site in terms of their correctness, accuracy, adequacy, usefulness, timeliness, reliability or otherwise.
In terms of the usefulness of booking awards tickets through A3, I have found their phone agents to be quite competent and helpful, though Aegean does charge a 20 euro phone booking fee which they don't waive.
The pre-order bonus items or the deluxe edition content was mostly related to Shields and it appears that they don't really have much of an effect in term of usefulness.
While different in visual style, many tend to emulate one another, and all follow a major pattern in terms of usefulness: the rear weapons are the ones you would want to spam, the others are more debatable in usefulness.
Yes, in terms of their usefulness to society or their productive value, these non-jobs are roughly the equivalent of paying people to dig holes in the ground with tea spoons and then fill them up again, grain by grain, using tweezers and a bucket of sand.
Similarly, one can use perturbation theory to analyze orbits of bodies around the Earth starting with the approximation that the Earth is a perfect sphere, and then correcting for the various bulges and such; the usefulness of the method doesn't depend on whether the Earth EVER was a perfect sphere, but only on whether the sphere is a sufficiently good approximation that the correction terms are mathematically well - behaved.
My post does not deny the usefulness of using apparent cycles to infer likely future climate behaviour in the short term.
It's clear that we agree on the usefulness of improved forecasting to assist in short term planning.
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