Sentences with phrase «term with something»

What is important is coming to terms with yourself as a sexual person and knowing what you want and when you want it.
They may not be the enemies of aspiration, but on a personal level they don't seem on particularly friendly terms with it either.
When I'm on good terms with him, this inner relationship is a bridge to other youth.
It would not mark a political resolution of the issue as much as it would signal the inability of leaders to come terms with it.
Sure, he was practically on speaking terms with them.
All three are essentially about men struggling and ultimately coming to terms with something beyond them.
Here's something you may not know: credit card companies will negotiate terms with you.
I believe that dual agency is dealt with in a cumbersome, negative manner and would like to see the real estate industry come to better terms with it.
I absolutely can't stand when the profile contains comments that sound too casual: casual in the sense that it sounds like the person is already on speaking terms with you.
Bayern Munich wanted to sign Gundogan in 2016 for free, and recently United have already agreed terms with him in an attempt to strengthen their midfield options ahead of next season, but the Catalans have joined again the race for Ilkay Gundogan and he's representatives will meet representatives of Barcelona to discuss a possible move to the Catalan club.
It's about coming to terms with yourself in this pose and remembering: «Where you are right now is exactly where you need to be.»
I have found that many Christians can't recognize themselves in these sorts of scenarios because the language we on the outside use is secular or psychological and they don't associate such terms with themselves.
I hope we sign him up for the long term, because Barcelona were looking to part with Dani Alves and they might try their «boyhood club» dirty mind games once again, but I think Bellerin might learn from Fabregas» mistakes and stay long term with us.
It explores the heartache and pain caused by a break - up and coming to terms with it through abstract and often haunting visuals, accompanied by an electronic score composed by musician St. Vincent.
hi I guess of all the letters you have written This one more then any other sums up my predicament, and have got to the stage where i can find more reasons for not entering the trade then actually taking the trade, and have i believe put me in a position where i probably will not come to terms with it regards Lindsay
After coming to terms with that I realized that I'm basically living the way I do to sooth my own guilty conscience.
Business communication typically uses a colon, rather than a comma, after the greeting — for example, «Dear Mr. Smith:» — although it's sometimes acceptable to use a comma (and perhaps even the person's first name) if you're already on familiar terms with him or her.
@gotainidea I said Juve offered Sanchez # 280,000 a week but I didn't mention that was his preferred destination.I remember saying he prefers Man City.He has already agreed terms with them but City have shockingly not agreed fhe # 35m we are demanding.
Faulkner, who says he has known his opponent Scott Stringer for 20 years and who appears on friendly terms with him when they cross paths at political events, said that he called Stringer immediately after the mayoral debate and that they agreed «100 %» that their debate would not be like the mayoral debate.
Two of my best friends recently started dating each other, and while I am very stoked for them, I struggled a bit to come terms with it.
Most of the time, when we are negotiating short sales for Wellington homeowners the banks are more agreeable in negotiating terms with you than if you are current on your mortgage.
The Almighty is not just on speaking terms with them, but is apparently very chatty, seemingly issuing commands about the minute details of their everyday...
If that's the case, it's in your best interest to be on cordial terms with them if you're looking to connect with their boss.
It's not always easy to come to terms with something we don't want to admit.
Hillary simply can not come to terms with it.
And then, once interested, a company will negotiate licensing terms with you including royalties, guaranteed minimums, territory, field of use, when you get paid, and much more.
Gas has multiple associated terms with it: Gas Prices, Gas Cost, Gas Limit, and Gas Fees.
It is a horrible waste to spend much of your time talking about the tooth fairy and what you need to do to be on good terms with it and argue about how the tooth fairy's existence is obvious even though she is invisible and undetectable.
But you won't hear it in what the experts tell you about Gadamer's greatness» for instance (to sample recent tributes), that Gadamer has revealed «the structure of hermeneutic understanding» and «described the way in which human beings come to terms with themselves
The former president of Zondervan publishing, Maureen «Moe» Girkins, told this to Christianity Today: «Bill indicated that if I wanted [to publish] his book, I needed to work on the terms with him personally on the way home in his private jet.
Jahangir for a time took strong steps to check his pervasive influence but, faced with an uprising by one of his army chiefs who was an adherent of Shaikh Ahmad, came to terms with him.
The man who has come to terms with It has divided his life into two separated provinces: one of institutions — It — and one of feelings — I.
Conservatives we spoke to who experience same - sex attraction testified to how helpful and pastoral their own churches had been as they came to terms with it.
But in times of sickness the world of It overpowers the man who has come to terms with it, and causality becomes «an oppressive, stifling fate.»
Since death is inescapable, we have every reason to face up to its reality and come to terms with it, so far as we are able.
To take another example: «If someone sues you, come to terms with him while you are both on the way to court; otherwise he may hand you over to the judge, and the judge to the constable, and you may be put in jail.»
Failure to understand this and to come to terms with it will produce dissatisfaction and even pessimistic rejection of good already known.
If we agree, as surely we must, that the one inescapable and inevitable fact about every man and about the whole race of men is this death, we should also agree that it is in no sense morbid to face up to it and endeavor to come to terms with it.
A host of such issues are swarming to the surface and we have scarcely begun to come to terms with them.
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