Sentences with phrase «terminal degrees»

They hold a PhD or terminal degree in their field of expertise and have, on average, 20 years of professional experience.
This program is open to highly qualified scholars in all disciplines who hold a doctorate or other terminal degree, and have an affiliation with a higher education institution.
At the university level, a doctorate or other terminal degree is generally required.
The academic prestige score takes into account metrics such as average amount of financial need received, average class sizes, admissions standards, and the percentage of faculty holding terminal degrees in their field.
Postdocs, she noted, are the «lowest paid class of terminal degree» holders despite their central role in academic research: 43 % of first authors of articles in Science are postdocs, she observed.
Now imagine within this land of reality there were significant numbers of engineers, physicians, mathematicians and research scientists with terminal degrees who also embraced this God.
The Master of Fine Arts (M.F.A.) degree in Art Studio at UK SA / VS is a three - year terminal degree program for studio artists.
Along those same lines, do we expect two years of community college to be the pipeline into a four - year degree, or is the two - year degree seen as a new terminal degree in higher ed?
Nominee must be an early career scientist, defined as within 10 years post terminal degree.
Eligibility: Fellows are selected in two categories: Senior Fellows (scholars who hold a doctorate or appropriate terminal degree and have been active in their field for at least five years) and Junior Fellows (MA candidates, advanced PhD candidates and / or post-doctoral scholars who have recently entered the field).
The M.F.A. was the first terminal degree program at Western, one of only three M.F.A. programs in painting in Connecticut, and the only M.F.A. in a public university between SUNY - Purchase and the University of Connecticut.
The VSW MFA program is a full - time, two - and - a-half year, sixty credit terminal degree program for furthering one's art practice and professional objectives.
Resumes for dummies is staffed by expert specialists with advanced terminal degrees who have years of experience helping clients like you write a resume for dummies.
The university is notable for its highly credentialed faculty, over 92 % of whom hold terminal degrees, and low student to faculty ratio of 17 to one.
Dubbed the 21st century MBA by PSM advocate Sheila Tobias, the new terminal degree, which combines science with business, management, or regulatory affairs, appears to be providing its holders better opportunities than the popular terminal business degree on which it is modeled.
Distinguished Fellowships require an individual must have seven or more years of research experience in subject areas, methods, or techniques relevant to disability and rehabilitation research and must have a doctorate, other terminal degree, or comparable academic qualifications.
We fear it does not go far enough, for it fails to note that Douthat irresponsibly comments on politics without even holding a terminal degree in political science!
These terminal degrees include those in the social or behavioral sciences; medical or health sciences; biological, physical or earth sciences; or computational sciences or mathematics.
It's a tough job; it is difficult to get them to believe they can attain a terminal degree in a STEM discipline.
But there's one more eligibility requirement that defeats you: You must be within 4 years of receiving your terminal degree.
Jackson: I want to reach a terminal degree: either an M.D. or Ph.D..
It's sad that there aren't more opportunities like this for those who love science and have the talent, but no terminal degree.
«I'm just a regular guy who happens to have terminal degrees.
I must do my job well and ensure that the pipeline for minorities to attain the terminal degree in science remains unclogged and flows at a rate with increasing velocity.
In philosophy, fewer than 35 percent of Ph.D. s are awarded to women, while in psychology, women take home more than 70 percent of the terminal degrees.
As a professional doctorate, students can enter with a bachelor's degree and progress directly through to the terminal degree in the field
This terminal degree in the field of Chinese medicine that combines acupuncture and Chinese herbs, offers MUIH graduates the widest range of professional opportunities.
The EdD (a doctorate in Education) will be my terminal degree, my last one.
Dr. Jennifer Davis Bowman holds a terminal degree in special education and a professional license in school counseling.
Then I divided that sum by the years since the scholar received his or her terminal degree.
your terminal degree or continuing for a second year to earn the C.A.S. in Counseling.
I took a position helping resident teachers integrate technology, then a teaching license, and then a terminal degree in Curriculum and Instruction.
Somehow, they equated a terminal degree to administrative leadership.
If you are interested in pursuing a terminal degree, we offer a fit for you whether you come from business or industry, or the field of education.
The book's central thesis is that institutional forces drive some students toward post-secondary success and others toward the high school diploma as a terminal degree.
Besides a teacher's terminal degree, the amount of experience plays a major role in determining how much a teacher makes.
Apply Now The Doctorate of Education in Education Administration with Superintendent Licensure prepares individuals for superintendent / AEA administration licensure while pursuing a terminal degree.
The Master of Fine Arts is the terminal degree for practicing artists, and the Thesis Exhibition is the capstone experience of that program, demonstrating a personal direction and mastery in the work of graduating artists.
The Master of Fine Arts is the terminal degree for practicing artists, and the thesis exhibition is the capstone experience of that program, demonstrating a personal direction and mastery in the work of graduating artists.
All faculty have terminal degrees in their fields and have graduated from prestigious institutions including Columbia University, Yale University, New York University, School of Visual Arts, Tyler School of Art, Brown University, Harvard University, Dartmouth College, Princeton University, Berklee College of Music, California Institute of the Arts, and Art Institute of Chicago.
The Master of Fine Arts is the terminal degree for practicing artists, and the Thesis Exhibition demonstrates the culmination of two years of work and represents the students» highest personal and academic achievements.
The Master of Fine Arts is the terminal degree for practicing artists, and the Thesis exhibition is the capstone experience of that program, demonstrating a personal direction and mastery in the work of graduating artists.
In addition to his pursuit of the terminal degree in the ceramics field, Kuratnick is a research consultant for The Marks Project: The Marks Dictionary of American Ceramics, 1946 — Present.
Additionally, in the United States, an MFA is typically recognized as a terminal degree for practitioners of visual art, design, dance, photography, theatre, film / video, new media, and creative writing — meaning that it is considered the highest degree in its field, and is the qualification to become a professor at the university level in these disciplines.
In the US, the terminal degree in law equivalent to an academic doctorate (i.e. a Ph.D.) is not the J.D., or the L.L.M.. It's the S.J.D.. Here's Harvard's program.
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