Sentences with phrase «termite problems»

«People hide termite problems like contagious diseases,» he said.
According to Fredericks, they typically use heavy equipment because there is drilling and digging trenches involved in resolving termite problems.
He navigated me past a house with a surprise termite problem, finding every expert he could to advise on whether it was a money pit.
In 2010, the prior owner had disclosed that the property had been damaged by water and there was occasional flooding in the basement as well as termite problems.
Homeowners who diligently check their property and foundation can alleviate serious termite problems.
Also, moving wood piles and debris away from the home can eliminate termite problems.
You should also get a pest inspection to ensure the property doesn't have a termite problem or other pest issues.
If a termite problem is discovered at a later date, the seller is better protected if the buyer had the opportunity to conduct an independent inspection.
As the seller, you want to be ahead of the game and have all your information ready to explain the termite problem, how you dealt with it and why it is no longer a worry for any potential buyer.
Sherry Hutchens, a sales associate with Dudum Real Estate Group in Walnut Creek, Calif., recognized this when one of her sellers tried to hide a termite problem with her home.
So if there's a termite problem that they perceive will cost $ 1,000 to fix, you could avoid a $ 2,000 — $ 3,000 price reduction to pay to fix it yourself.
If you've noticed a large number of winged, ant - like insects around your home, there's a good chance you have a termite problem.
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