Sentences with phrase «terms as a philosophy»

The problem is many business owners adopt these latter terms as a philosophy, often resulting in poorly thought - out decisions.

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«Because of our emphasis on the long - term, we may make decisions and weigh tradeoffs differently than some companies... We will continue to make investment decisions in light of long - term market leadership considerations rather than short - term profitability considerations or short - term Wall Street reactions... We aren't so bold as to claim that the above is the «right» investment philosophy, but it's ours, and we would be remiss if we weren't clear in the approach we have taken and will continue to take.»
As an active owner of both public and private companies, CPPIB already lives its long - term investment philosophy, notes Winslow.
For example, an advisor could describe a philosophy such as a focus on long - term investing in a globally diversified portfolio and encourage choosing only low - cost exchange - traded funds, he said.
Semantics can be an issue when a term or phrase, such as «philosophy,» is not universally understood the same way.
In his speech, Yifei emphasized the importance of 2018 for China's long - term economic strategy, and discussed how the central bank's gold and silver department used problem - oriented, market - oriented, and livelihood - oriented «philosophy, style and methods» to promote reform and innovation in «key areas» of «currency bullion» as well as «currency gold and silver business.»
In keeping with our pay - for - performance philosophy, and as discussed in more detail in the CD&A included in this proxy statement, our approach is designed to focus our leadership and balance short - term performance and long - term strategic priorities.
Taking a longer - term approach to talent resource development is just as important to the investor as it is to the client: It is hard to conceive of people making sound investment judgments over longer time - frames if investors themselves are not being evaluated and mentored with the same long term philosophy.
If they would get rid of the term «10 Commandments» and call them say «Good Advice for God fearing Men and and women» or «a philosophy for modern living», they wouldn't be stigmatized as they are.
Gadamer himself described his introduction to ideas as a young man in the following terms: «It was «life - philosophy,» above all,... that was taking hold of our whole feeling for life.»
I've always thought it funny that religious people use the term «humanist» as a label for reality - based philosophies.
By contrast, traditional philosophy tends to emasculate texts like the above, construing them as mere anthropomorphisms, since obviously Gad can not be described in emotional and temporal terms — or so the doctrine goes, despite massive evidence of religious experience to the contrary.
It's intellectually lazy of you to argue that the debate is invalid because the two terms often applied to these philosophies means they're one in the same, when those who embrace them can describe them as different.
Drawing on Albert Schweitzer's use of the terms «optimistic» and «pessimistic» (to mean «world and life affirmation» and «world and life negation») Horney described her own philosophy as follows: «With all its cognizance of the tragic element in neurosis, [it] is an optimistic one.»
At the very time that Roentgen and Becquerel were bringing to a close the Newtonian era in science, Henri Bergson and William James were introducing, into philosophy and psychology respectively, the notion of relations as being internal and experienceable; and this was to alter radically the terms of philosophy laid down by Descartes, Kant, and Hegel.
It was such a nonmystical philosopher as Bertrand Russell who coined the term immortality of the past, «3 which Whitehead adopted and of which he made one of the cornerstones of his process philosophy.
If existence is identified with process, which is the questionable move in all «process philosophies,» all existents can only be analyzed in terms of the consequences of this temporal direction as applied to each particular kind of existent.
This ideal was generally framed in neo-Thomist terms, with first philosophy and later theology acting as the intellectual glue that united the disparate academic disciplines.
The philosophy of organism of Process and Reality is an ambitious attempt to extend descriptions of human experiencing that we give with such terms as «sensation», «perception», «sensory image», and «judgment» to the experiencing of subhuman organisms.
They may have accepted the first chapter of John's Gospel with its explanation of Christ in terms of Greek philosophy, as God's «Logos,» his forth - going - ness.
Just as infinitude and finitude -LRB--RRB-[The limitless / the finite — important terms in Plato's philosophy, especially in his Philebus, 30.]
In «Myth and Truth» he maintains that the truth of mythical utterances can be shown only by restating them in nonmythical terms.113 Yet adequately to demythologize Christian myths will require not just any nonmythological language but one, such as process philosophy provides, which can do justice to the biblical view of God.
In this regard Hartshorne's attachment to the virtue tradition is closer to that of G. H. Von Wright, who was insistent that the path to virtue is never laid out in advance, and to that of Lester Hunt, who claims that thought and emotions are fused in virtues rather than thought controlling emotion as an alien, recalcitrant subject matter.6 In the terms of Hartshorne's process philosophy, and of his Peirceian pragmatism7, a person's principles are seen in his actions just as in Hartshorne's metaphysics universals are embedded in the world of becoming, as Aristotle and Plato (correctly read, according to Hartshorne) have also indicated.
In a personal sense, Suchocki subjected Whitehead's philosophy to the criterion of fitness to women's experience and concluded, «I came to it not as an interesting speculative system, though it is surely that, but from my need to understand my world in holistic terms through a conceptuality which fits my experience» (OM 62 - 63).
But as a total context existential philosophy is methodologically too restrictive If faith can only be expressed in terms of human encounter, such that we are precluded from using any cosmological framework in expressing our understanding of God, then we have no way of appreciating God's activity and manifestation of concern toward the rest of the created order.
The uniqueness of Whitehead's philosophy is probably best summarized in terms of the theory of prehension as a combination of the doctrines of temporal atomicity and of the primacy of causal efficacy.
Since he believes that Berkeley's theological solution to the metaphysical problem of explaining experience is unsatisfactory, he concludes that it is necessary to find a niche in natural philosophy for both matter and spirit «as abstractions in terms of which much of our physical experience can be interpreted» (SMW 67).
As this century now approaches its end, it is becoming clear that its historians are inclined to picture the situation in philosophy in terms of a great divide.
However, as in the seventeenth century the various later theories were not produced independently of each other but came to be developed by working through, and in divergence from, the first great attempt at a philosophical structure built upon a profound insight into the problems at issue, namely, that of Descartes, so in our time the new efforts which are required in the philosophy of nature will need to come to terms with the pioneering work of Whitehead.
This makes sense in terms of process philosophy insofar as it means that the categoreal obligations are universal and that it is by discerning them in oneself that one especially appreciates the satisfactions of others as normative.
The fledgling religion presented itself not only as a philosophy, in the ancient sense of the term, but as the philosophy.
Using examples from mythology, Scripture, theology, and philosophy, Rollins shows how mankind has long been interested in speaking of God in these terms, to the point that «instead of thinking about our understanding of God as a poetic utterance arising from an encounter with God, it was thought that our understanding of God directly matched up with the very nature of God.
In the eyes of some commentators the Tractarians» fondness for the word was little more than a display of familiarity with Aristotelian moral philosophy, in which the term could be used simply as shorthand for moral temper or moral disposition.
The term philosophy is also an attractive one, as the original Greek word would mean «love of Wisdom» (SOPHIA).
An over-emphasis on the metaphysical aspects of God as understood especially in terms of Greek philosophy has sometimes concealed and domesticated the liberating themes in the Bible and their transformative implications for our social, political and economic life here and now.
In the broad sense of the term, the science of religions embraces the phenomenology as well as the philosophy of religion.
I am (a) A victim of child molestation (b) A r.ape victim trying to recover (c) A mental patient with paranoid delusions (d) A Christian The only discipline known to often cause people to kill others they have never met and / or to commit suicide in its furtherance is: (a) Architecture; (b) Philosophy; (c) Archeology; or (d) Religion What is it that most differentiates science and all other intellectual disciplines from religion: (a) Religion tells people not only what they should believe, but what they are morally obliged to believe on pain of divine retribution, whereas science, economics, medicine etc. has no «sacred cows» in terms of doctrine and go where the evidence leads them; (b) Religion can make a statement, such as «there is a composite god comprised of God the Father, Jesus and the Holy Spirit», and be totally immune from experimentation and challenge, whereas science can only make factual assertions when supported by considerable evidence; (c) Science and the scientific method is universal and consistent all over the World whereas religion is regional and a person's religious conviction, no matter how deeply held, is clearly nothing more than an accident of birth; or (d) All of the above.
«We're continuing to expand our partnership discriminating about finding partners who share our ideals and are with local producers in terms of the farms we use to committed to organic, not just as pasture our calves after they leave our ranch,» a business, but as a philosophy
Van Gaal may feel it is worth sacrificing results for the time being as he looks to build this philosophy into the club; it may be a case of short - term loss for long - term gain, but will he get that time?
Problem is, some on here share Maureens philosophy, as they only care about the NOW and not the long term.
Bring a new coach, with a long term plan on basketball philosophy, keep as few players as you can, at least the ones you expect to adjust fast enough.
Arsenal's campaign this term has put immense pressure on our manager as well as the club as a whole, and that could force us to alter our philosophy on promoting youth somewhat.
The 24 - year - old would take to Barcelona's philosophy with ease and would also serve as the long term replacement for the 32 - year - old Andres Iniesta.
But many point to the term «mama grizzly» as being directly associated with the 2008 run by esteemed U.S. politician Sarah Palin, who used the term to refer to herself, and whose philosophy of fierce mama pride trickled into the psyches of thousands of mothers across America.
As an International Board Certified Lactation Consultant who has worked with breastfeeding women over the past decade, and having breastfed three boys myself (still currently feeding my youngest boy) I come from the philosophy of following your baby and your own instincts while sharing and discussing what the evidence based research shows in terms of baby sleep patterns and what is normal.
This philosophy, termed «Attachment Parenting» by its champion, pediatrician and father of eight Dr. William Sears (author of the popular child - care manual The Baby Book, among others), sees infants not as manipulative adversaries who must be «trained» to eat, sleep, and play when told, but as dependent yet autonomous human beings whose wants and needs are intelligible to the parent willing to listen, and who deserve to be responded to in a reasonable and sensitive manner.
«Parenting» as a verb didn't even come along until 1959, so needless to say Baby Boomers, for whom it was a nascent term, really weren't putting as much thought into their parenting philosophies and styles as we do today.
As Attorney General of New York and over the past two terms as governor, Andrew Cuomo has vindicated the promise of progressive government by heeding a simple philosophy: deliver real change in real timAs Attorney General of New York and over the past two terms as governor, Andrew Cuomo has vindicated the promise of progressive government by heeding a simple philosophy: deliver real change in real timas governor, Andrew Cuomo has vindicated the promise of progressive government by heeding a simple philosophy: deliver real change in real time.
Although the terms political philosophy and political theory are used rather indiscriminately, those who think of themselves as political philosophers tend to link what they do closely to philosophical and moral principles; while those who call themselves political theorists tend to appeal to facts about the world and to the way in which the structures and processes of social and political life limit the possibilities for the realisation of those principles by political agency.
Depends on if the term is being used specifically for those who adhere to the traditional National Socialist philosophy or as a more general fascist / statist term, I suppose.
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