Sentences with phrase «terms of adoration»

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Religious fact (and I use the term extremely loosely here) comes from the deity who seems to expect the adoration and unquestioning loyalty of their followers.
With adoration is usually joined thanksgiving — a particularizing of praise in terms of emotions not only of reverence but also of gratitude.
But as men became more and more aware of moral principles and as their thinking was «rationalized», the way in which the sacred was understood, the way in which men came to interpret the more - than - human, was in terms of love and of «persuasion» (as Whitehead put it), although it never lost the awesome quality which evoked from them worship and adoration.
In terms of content, a distinction is often made between prayers of confession, thanksgiving, petition, intercession, and adoration.
It has always been more difficult to come to terms with Jesus as the way than with Jesus as the truth, more difficult to realize the ways our thinking and behavior get fused into a life of relational love and adoration with neighbor and God, God and neighbor.
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