Sentences with phrase «terms of difficulty adjustments»

In terms of difficulty adjustments, the block reward for Bitcoin will halve every 210k blocks whereas it will halve every 840k blocks for Litecoin.

Not exact matches

However, long - term SWM player use of this server is not advisable due to repeated documented bugs, including documented instances of moderator - approved anti-SWM instakills, an unmoderated and easily exploited kick system, kernel instruction corruption, privilege escalation exploits, and most worrisome, statistics showing gaps in achievement between players on different difficulty settings in spite of adjustments.
As noted in Chapter 8, Section 8.4.2, at the time of the SAR most coupled models had difficulty in reproducing a stable climate with current atmospheric concentrations of greenhouse gases, and THEREFORE NON-PHYSICAL «FLUX ADJUSTMENT TERMS» WERE ADDED.
While some miners do need to mine against their short - term interests to reach the required difficulty adjustment, once that difficulty adjustment is reached, all miners get to sweep up massive amounts of block rewards within a day or two.
Over the long term, early peer relationship difficulties are correlated with a variety of adjustment problems in adolescence and young adulthood, such as school dropout, delinquency and emotional problems, such as loneliness, depression and anxiety.
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