Sentences with phrase «terms of its particular topic»

Not exact matches

Using long tail keyword phrase variations of competitive search terms is also a valuable strategy for getting your website to become an authority on a particular keyword topic.
Listicles tend to perform very well, to begin with, but when you feature the best of a particular topic, the results, in terms of inbound links, can be staggering.
Whitehead did not focus to any great extent on the subject of psychology as such, but tended to discuss psychological topics more in terms of particular exemplifications of his larger schema.
It makes us question the knowledge that we already have stored in our long - term memory banks, and to reassess our way of thinking about that particular topic.
By sixth grade, the standards become more detailed and specific, including understanding figurative and connotative meanings of words; analyzing the impact of a specific word choice on meaning and tone; considering how a particular stanza fits into the overall structure of a text and contributes to the development of the theme; and contrasting the reading and multimedia experience of a text and various forms or types of poetry in terms of their approaches to similar themes and topics.
One distinct characteristic of a research paper from term paper is that it shows fact and opinions of different people in a particular topic.
The term paper is the result of a close reading of several academic, scientific, and statistical sources on a particular topic.
Essay writing helps students acquire or improve their skills in terms of researching a topic, and it allows them to show that they understand particular concepts.
Writing good essay is very important academic task of college students, if you need to write a good essay you should have knowledge about the particular topic and have vocabulary, you need to use some technical terms to make your essay good.
Rather the terms «97 %» and «3 %» are merely used as labels, with the discussion in the article (and hence the topic of the article) restricted to the IPCC's attribution statements with particular regard to Fig 10.5.
The twelve topics are usually spread over two terms (6 weekly sessions) and end with «Celebrate Me» Day / sessions, which are designed to recognise and celebrate the achievements and positive changes in the participants, on completion of the particular program.
Written by leading experts in terms that are accessible outside of their particular subspecialties, the reviews published in Current Directions in Psychological Science cover such current topics as theory of mind, neural bases of memory, face recognition, expression of emotion, cognition and aging, and attachment and personality in mammals.
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