Sentences with phrase «terms of the bill»

Higher credit scores translate to greater credibility and auto insurance providers perceive such customers as more trustworthy in terms of bill payment consistency and being safer drivers on the roads.
Under the current terms of the bill, cells can not be taken without the child's consent.
This is especially the case in terms of billing disputes, upgrades, or deals that you saw online.
Cuomo, of course, is a former HUD secretary himself in the second term of Bill Clinton, a job he frequently mentions whenever talk turns to the federal government or housing issues.
The abandoned nomination marks the second time Gov. Pete Wilson has had to retreat on his choice to fill the unexpired term of Bill Honig, who was convicted last year on felony confict - of - interest charges.
The 113th Congress is on course to be the least productive Congress in decades, in terms of bills passed and sent to the president for approval.
We look at our hours and every months in terms of billing, we both bill about the same things, some months more, some months less.
The unsightly billboards that deface the views along railway lines and many key roads will be removed under the terms of a bill to be introduced soon in the Diet.
Under the terms of the bill, the resultant embryo could only be stored for a maximum of 14 days to produce stem cells for research and could not be implanted in either a human or animal uterus.
The latter could prove very controversial: under the terms of the bill both bishops and ministers will be added to the 450 main members, 80 % of which will be elected.
Under the terms of the bill, Rockland County would be forced to submit its annual budget, a multi-year budget plan and quarterly reports to the task force.»
Nassau and Suffolk Counties would be allowed to open more slot machines, under the terms of the bill.
«I expect that NSF will have no problem justifying virtually all of its grants» under the terms of the bill, Representative Alan Grayson (D — FL) said this morning in expressing his support.
Under the terms of the bill, teachers and principals with five or more years of experience and five or more years of satisfactory or above performance ratings would also would receive 10 - percent annual increases if they opted to transfer or remain in a low - performing school.
Under the terms of the bill, the standards are only guidelines, and «neither the superintendent nor the board shall adopt rules or regulations for course content or methods...
Under the terms of the bill, schools and school districts would need to commit matching funds and present a technology plan in order to get a portion of the funding.
Shadow schools minister Kevin Brennan said there did «not seem to be any particularly good reason» why alternative provision should be «outside the terms of the bill», adding: «The criteria currently proposed would of course be entirely inappropriate for pupil referral units, so if they are to be included, there would need to be a significant rethink on definitions and criteria.»
And with transactional work, it's possible to get ahead of your client, in terms of billing, in just a few days.
According to the terms of the bill, cryptocurrency and tokens represent a digital financial asset which are not allowed to be used as payment in Russia.
Under the terms of the Bill, marriage - like benefits will be extended to gay and lesbian couples across a range of areas such as property, social welfare, succession, maintenance, pensions and tax.
For example, one respondent stated ``... doing groups has its challenges in terms of billing, space, scheduling, so therapists tend not to pursue it, even though it may be a good offering for parents.»
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