Sentences with phrase «terrain bicycle wheels»

This stroller features large 16» all - terrain bicycle wheels in the back and a smaller bicycle wheel in the front.
Not only that it offers travel safety for your child inside the car thanks to the car seat, but it is also reliable on any type of road, due to the stroller that is equipped with terrain bicycle wheels.

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Decide whether you want a three wheeled stroller with bicycle tyres which is all - terrain or whether you would be happier with a conventional four wheeler.
The expedition is a lightweight sturdy construction with 16 inch rear and 12 inch front all terrain bicycle tires on light weight wheels.
Featuring with all - terrain pneumatic tube bicycle tires along many other great features like lockable front swivel wheel, foot - activated rear brake, multi-position recline seat, 5 - point safety harness, covered storage compartment and Parent tray with 2 cup holders, this stroller is really a perfect travel companion of buzy parent.
These strollers three large three bicycle wheels with air - filled tires that will go through any kind of terrain.
It has a front wheel that swivels for easy maneuvering when you're not jogging, but a lock for when you are, and it has large bicycle tires, which handle most types of terrain.
A front swivel wheel that is lockable for smooth maneuverability on all terrains, in addition to ever - filled bicycle tires at the rear.
The stroller has bicycle wheels, which are strong and cut through different terrains.
The Baby Trend Expedition Jogger Stroller is also great for the beach due to its lockable, swivel front wheel, ease of maneuverability, and all - terrain bicycle tires.
The 12» front all - terrain bicycle tires swivel for easy jogging or strolling, while the 16» rear wheels help absorb bumps.
The locking front wheels and pneumatic bicycle tires keep this stroller parked in place or moving quickly through different terrain.
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