Sentences with phrase «terrible error»

He wonders whether this was a «terrible error of judgement».
It really was terrible error from the German and it was not the first time that he has cost us this season or since he signed for the club a few years ago.
Ed Miliband accused the prime minister of a «terrible error of judgment» for his handling of Maria Miller's expenses after her «perfunctory and inadequate» apology to MPs.
Tolkien also thought the Protestant Reformation to be a terrible error, insisting that the cathedrals of England were stolen Catholic property.
They are both in terrible error.
In my blog on Bobby Kennedy, I know I made one mistake, and at least two readers have written the editors (not me) to allege that I made another one, «a terrible error
Neither the Republicans nor the Democrats can admit their terrible errors in Iraq.
You do not help to correct this terrible error by putting science, and in particular evolution, up there with faith.
The youngster however is still very unproven and has had dips in form in the past, which has lead to some terrible errors.
They claimed that FIFA had a moral obligation to grant them a replay, as if they were the first team to ever lose a big game due to a terrible error by officials.
The Boro team did rally a bit and scored a goal but then a terrible error from Victor Valdes gifted them a third which saw a very grateful Jose Mourinho and his Man United players claim all three points and go above Arsenal in the table.
The game played out rather slowly outside of a terrible error by Russia's goalie that resulted in a goal, but thankfully FIFA sent the most entertaining referee to the match.
United's goals came through a terrible error by Wigan goalkeeper Jussi Jaaskelainen at the start of the second half who effectively gave the ball to substitute Juan Mata who was able to stroll forward and pass it to fellow substitute Will Keane for an easy tap in.
One gets the sense that Corbyn's camp is beset by that terrible error of perception which afflicts all political obsessives in this country, on whatever side of the fence they are.
Ed Miliband accuses the prime minister of a «terrible error of judgment» for his handling of Maria Miller's expenses.
In a major interview with The Guardian today Tom Watson claimed the process brought in by Ed Miliband was a «terrible error of judgement».
Mr Watson first revealed he favoured a shake - up of Labour Party rules last month, saying former leader Ed Miliband had made a «terrible error of judgment» by ditching the electoral college system and shadow cabinet elections.
In an interview Labour's deputy claimed Ed Miliband's change was a «terrible error of judgement» and he wants to return to electoral college
Comedian Jimmy Carr says he has «made a terrible error of judgement» over using a tax avoidance scheme.
It's enormously creditable that Peter Gleick has owned up to his terrible error in judgment.
Their dream turned into a nightmare, and now we realize it was all a terrible error to boil water with deadly processes.
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