Sentences with phrase «terrible experience»

The phrase "terrible experience" refers to a situation or event that was very bad and unpleasant for someone. Full definition
She's not the only one who has had terrible experiences with online dating.
And while we've automated refunds for many payment errors, they're still terrible experiences for customers, who are unable to complete their orders.
I had my first two in the hospital, and they weren't terrible experiences, but my home birth with my third was wonderful.
We have branches in 14 stated and buy heavy trucks to cars - Never Never I had a such terrible experience like this.
I just remember a couple of terrible experiences trying on jeans at Gap in past years.
Both men had similarly terrible experiences trying to buy home fixtures and appliances.
I think if you're forced to eat food that is a truly terrible experience that does more damage than good.
Despite having mostly terrible experiences with protein powders, I refused to give up in finding one that tasted decent.
We all know how difficult it can be when you've lost a loved one in the past or are getting over terrible experiences, but don't let that ruin your new relationships.
It was a personally terrible experience & it happens, I realize this.
This is a no good, very bad, downright terrible experience.
So if one bank had terrible experiences with other students from your college or credit score, they're not going to be so forgiving.
One aspect of our work has always been to help puppy buyers who have the bad, terrible experience of seeing a newly bought pup fall sick, or worse, die shortly after joining their family.
Quickly dismissing your potential partner is a sign of self - protection and shows that you've had terrible experiences in the past.
I visited other dealerships in the area and had TERRIBLE experiences at all of them who employed extreme tactics (like keeping my keys hostage while they pushed numbers on me).
He had tried a few online dating sites with «really terrible experiences
It is thus imperative to note that the world is moving on from such terrible experiences as interracial couple face living and residing in Britain.
Even if Extinction had released as a ten or fifteen dollar digital download, I still wouldn't recommend it to anyone — life's too short and filled with genuinely great games to waste on terrible experiences like this one.
If anyone were to ask about this dealship I would tell them about how terrible our experience was and advise them to also avoid going to this particular dealship.
Similar terrible experience with the ESPN app asking me to re-authenticate twice per day to the point where I just stopped using it altogether and just did airplay from my iPad.
These traumatic recollections frequently surfaced with the help of recovered - memory therapy techniques like hypnosis and guided imagery, in which patients are encouraged to visualize terrible experiences.
He didn't care to be bothered and after explaining the long drawn out fraud and terrible experience thus far, he offered me $ 100 reimbursement for the mishap... lie.
haha if you've heard anything about my last big adventure, which I wrote my book «Planes, Trains, & Broken Strings» about; my unpreparedness (including a huge lack of money) led to a lot of crazy, hilarious, but sometimes terrible experiences traveling.
Battlefield 4 picked up 14 % of the vote, thanks to a launch that included regular server crashes, reset experience points, dubious one - shot kill bugs and an all round terrible experience for those who bought the game on launch day.
At 52, the artist's long moved on from her Young British Artist days, and clearly learned from her enfant terrible experiences.
The poet Stephen Spender has characterized the figures in his paintings as «people who seem burdened with perhaps terrible experience... like refugees conscious of concentration camps» and he has suggested that Auerbach's fascination with building sites reflects the destruction he saw around him in his childhood.
The customers» terrible experiences paint a picture of what's really happening: Apple doesn't seem to be servicing its users properly, likely because it didn't expect that its throttling practices would get mountainous levels of backlash, let alone be discovered and get traction in the first place.
Terrible experience especially for someone who is starting out in TK investing.
I never had terrible experiences with online dating, but the one guy who asked for my phone number immediately
Terrible experiences for users still persist in our online experiences, deliver low efficacy for advertisers and fraud is rampant.
The violence is toned down enough for you to know how terrible the experience is without being excruciating to the viewer.
And especially the owner Miguel was the most terrible experience I've ever had..
It may require a similar terrible experience to give a wake - up call to the free - spending officials and those who allowed them a free hand with hardly a note of disapproval.
If you follow these tips, you'll make the most out of what can be a terrible experience from a travel delay.
Who hasn't had a terrible experience at their local mall or retailer with sales staff that has poor people skills, bad attitudes, minimal product knowledge and no training?
It's a terrible experience, especially when you compare it to a magazine.
To save you the misery, the airport is always stuffed to capacity, making connecting a terrible experience for passengers.
And just as it's a bad experience to see objectionable content, it's also a terrible experience to be told we can't share something we feel is important.
A tweet at 6:38 p.m. Pacific time Friday night to Musk read: «had a terrible experience with very pushy sales guy from tesla stanford shop while shopping for model x.»
It was a terrible experience
On the flip side, terrible experiences can stop you in your tracks very quickly.
I try, for example, with people who have had all these terrible experiences figure out a way, even when they're older, to dollar cost average into the market to get it right, and not expose them to another radical situation.
He told Premier: «I think it's an encouragement for all those who prefer to see something not just stopped, and rather, as a gesture of the spirit of Glasgow, to say: «right, we had this terrible experience, but we're not just going to give up and go away.
After the terrible experience of the European wars of religion occasioned by the sixteenth - century Reformation, many of the brightest and best, including many thoughtful Christians, decided that God and the gods could have no place in the public telling of the myth of origins.
My name is Matthew, I had a terrible experience in 1991 where satan attacked me while I was sleeping in the night.

Phrases with «terrible experience»

a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z