Sentences with phrase «terrible tyrannies»

Regarding the terrible tyrannies in journalism and Andy's response, «ANDY REVKIN says: But it's worse.
First, I made a mistake in my original post: I wanted to say «troublesome tyrannies» rather than «terrible tyrannies
And please let's address those two «terrible tyrannies» in modern journalism that contribute to public confusion and detachment on this issue of immense importance (ideally in time so we can preserve the atmosphere and environment for our children, please).
And above all they interpreted the war to their people as something necessary to put down a terrible tyranny and yet as something for which America too was responsible and for which the people must repent.

Not exact matches

The fruits of human lust, pride, and fear, when man supplants God are terrible and inevitable, but a recoil from the new barbarism of the mind already apparent behind the Iron Curtain will not suffice to build a new and positive culture in opposition to the Tyranny of the new errors.
By participation in Paul's Christ I too know something about liberation from the tyranny of environment, and some measure of liberation from the terrible interior tyranny of my own egocentricity.
If you think wearing Guy Fawkes masks is relevant you are obviously ignorant of the history of the English and European Reformation, the fact is the English Crown, and its people had won its freedom from the tyranny and oppression of Rome and the people were scared of losing it again, as had happened in the mercifully short reign of Queen Mary the 1st, Henry the 8th daughter by Catherine of Aragon (also known as Bloody Mary) the opression of Protestants in that time was terrible approx 300 were burnt at the stake.
Of course, they are probably terribly troublesome tyrannies, or perhaps terrible troublesome tyrannies.
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