Sentences with phrase «territorial marker»

A scratched item such as an indoor tree, a piece of furniture or a scratching post becomes a personal territorial marker of the cat, because the scratched appearance is readily visible to other cats who might be in the vicinity.
Three principles should be kept in mind: 1) Once a cat starts scratching an object she tends to return to it; 2) prominent objects - which make the best territorial markers - are favored, and 3) the texture of a potential scratching area influences whether it is used or not.
Anal sac fluid is a territorial marker or scent marker.
Cats that puff or spray only urine are territorial markers.
The anal glands or sacs sit just inside the rectum and secrete a very smelly, oily substance thought to be a territorial marker.
While some Veterinarian say that the reason for anal glands is to help create a territorial marker, others state that the anal sac oils actually help lubricate hard stool, which makes passage easier and more comfortable for the animal.
The secretion acts as a territorial marker - a dog's «calling card».
Domestic and wild animals will be confused because of the loss of their territorial markers.
The glands secrete a very smelly, oily substance thought to be a territorial marker.
[6] The work depicts a flag occupying a gallery wall, acting as a Territorial marker for the artist.
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