Sentences with phrase «terror war»

Seems like they are waging a terror war on the minds of real Americans (those who understand the constitution, religious freedom, separation of church and state, logic, rational reasoning)
Some say that is the last place from which to expect any resolution of the terror wars, for it is the true believers, fundamentalists and hard - liners who are unable to compromise, preferring to die for their beliefs.
According to him, «We never had the equipment, but when we were confronted, we started acquiring and before I left office we built reasonable capacity and I believe with what we left behind and also with what the new government will acquire, they will be able to prosecute this terror war to a reasonable conclusion.»
«To achieve their evil propaganda objective of tarnishing her name, these evil elements have distorted the contents of a memo, dated January 20, 2015, in which the former Minister of Finance, Dr Ngozi Okonjo - Iweala, responded to a request by the former National Security Adviser, Col. Ibrahim Dasuki (retired), for funds to prosecute the terror war against Boko Haram.
Hadi Hajaig follows his low - budget, noir thriller Puritan with Cleanskin, a tense tale of terrorism set in London, which pits two individuals from either side of the terror war divide against each other.
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