Sentences with phrase «test involved»

They tested this theory by a range of tests involving a total of 32 mice.
In a recent series of low - speed crash tests involving four large pickups and three small SUVs, all but one of the seven vehicles allowed excessive damage.
First, a 24 - hour urine iodine test involves collecting and then testing entire urine output for 24 hours.
Genetic testing involves analyzing a blood sample for specific changes in the DNA, or genetic information.
The first test involves comparing your average income over the prior six (6) month period with the median income for your state.
A common format for numerical reasoning tests involves answering around 20 questions in 24 minutes.
There are other simple tests involves their fingers and you can instantly know what their blood count is.
Other tests involving stimuli that bored and annoyed subjects all yielded the same results.
Traditional mercury testing involves testing either your hair, blood, urine, or stool.
They conducted lab tests involving large fires and the heating of structural components.
Genetic testing involves analyzing the child's DNA, usually from a blood sample, to determine if they carry a mutation or not.
However, in these and other studies, across repeated tests involving parents, children, and sometimes teachers, simply no significant differences obtain in several domains.
One test involves looking at your cat's shape.
Besides checking your height and weight, there will also be blood and urine tests involved.
The cognitive tests involved tasks like remembering pairs of symbols and numbers.
If a woman does not pass the test, a longer test involving a higher level of glucose consumption may be used.
Psychological testing involves administering tests to assess individual's strengths and weaknesses in relation to intellectual functioning, educational functioning, and personality functioning.
The latest tests involved 7 pairs of 2010 - 11 models, each composed of a small car and small SUV from the same automaker.
These legal tests involve, for example, whether the owners are Canadian and whether the firm's shares are privately - held or publicly - traded.
The first static engine test involves firing up the engine without actually achieving lift - off.
The minimally invasive test involves collecting a few drops of blood from the baby's heel between 24 to 48 hours after birth.
He examined the direct impact of the substance on neural effects using tests involving brain cells.
Tests involving volunteers on a driving simulator indicated that users are most comfortable operating the touchpad using the thumb of their right hand.
Genetic testing involves examining the patient's DNA for changes that cause the disease.
Others require tests involving cancer risk to be purchased through a doctor.
Get tested — Testing involves getting blood work done, a physical exam and sharing a medical history.
A mixed test involving all operations All answers are included.
This test complements the federal test involving the full width of the front end hitting a rigid barrier.
Certain intelligence tests involve the dog's ability to recognize and respond to a large vocabulary of commands.
A patch test involves putting a few drops of the diluted oil onto a clearly visible area of skin and watching for any irritation or redness, or any other changes.
Also interesting in the sensitivity test array is one using only global mean temperatures, which produces nearly identical results to the full test involving spatial patterns.
Our DUI legal team can also assess the validity of the traffic stop, the reliability of any scientific testing involved, as well as explore other possible legal and factual challenges.
A typical example of a verbal reasoning test involves answering 28 questions in 18 minutes; although this will vary depending on employer.
However, most testing involves meeting with me for 2 - 3 sessions of approximately 3 hours each.
The third test involves asking for testimonials or referrals from incumbent salespeople and see if they recommend the brokerage.
A new round of tests involving seven car designs shows this improvement.
A problem in the first test involved the driver seat.
I suggest that you come up with a simple test involving a few volunteers.
Other tests involve their desire or ability to respond to different situations.
In 2011 Euro NCAP started testing the performance of electronic stability control in tests involving a «robot driver» performing a rapid swerve manoeuvre at 50 mph.
Testing involved placing the mice in the chambers and carrying out the same paradigm as Day 1 without the foot shock.
After piloting the collection of measures of those skills in a small number of schools during the 2013 - 14 school year, including conducting multiple experiments to compare the performance of alternative survey items, CORE conducted a broader field test involving more than 450,000 students in grades 3 - 12 the following spring.
Laboratory testing involves drawing blood and testing it for the presence of pancreatic enzymes.
Passing the knowledge test involves showing that you have a basic understanding of Indiana traffic laws and that you understand safe driving techniques and traffic signs as well.
A field test involving over 700 students from nine schools assessed the knowledge gains attributable to playing MedMyst.
Conducting medical tests involves using many different pieces of medical equipment and performing various tasks.
An allergy test involves drawing blood and then the lab technician will test it against several common allergy causing things, e.g. dust mites, cat's dander (dead skin flakes), dust, cockroach droppings, etc..
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