Sentences with phrase «test theories»

This provided an excellent real - life experiment to test the theory of pension advocates.
Since that glorious day, we have also tested the theory on a spatula and it also worked.
That's good both for reducing glare and for testing theories about the beginning of the universe.
A new solar minimum, then, would test theories about how the climate works and also make communications more reliable.
I haven't tested this theory on anyone other than myself, but hear me out for a quick sec.
Then test your theory by trying a small - scale version of the Big Idea.
They are just ideas and the creator of the product has no proof that they work as they have never tested their theory on the open market.
We still test these theories today because we know they are not the «final word» and we hope that through any discrepancies with data we can learn more.
Only thing I can do is test this theory out myself.
I've long wanted someone to actually test my theory out, but I (fortunately) haven't had a reason too.
There exists opportunity for both technical and and academic training, where students get to test the theory behind the academics that they are studying.
One study tested this theory by measuring metabolic markers in 18 people following different exercise protocols.
It is a term that legitimately describes modern working methods, referring to the system of testing theory through practical activity.
A number of trials are testing this theory now to see just how low LDL levels should go.
I have to qualify everything stated above though with a warning: This season will put our well tested theories to the test.
You'll have plenty of chances to test the theory come spring.
Each of the theory's solutions represents an entire universe, so to test the theory fully, one would have to create a baby universe in a laboratory.
It was hard, but it was a risk she was willing to take with me in order to really test this theory.
According to team roles test theories there are specific and different team roles that a team requires.
This will let management test theories and change direction while allowing the sales team to adjust accordingly.
But more information is needed to truly test this theory.
This was expected theoretically, but now researchers can finally test their theories.
(11) To date, no studies have been published testing this theory.
The other two periods of testing this theory ended when detrimental results were seen after only a few years.
I do nt believe I was given a key code to test this theory either.
Don't be hesitant to take up some of the free trials — almost as good as the real real world for testing the theories and strategies from textbooks.
The way I learned is from studying communication theory in college and testing those theories with couples in marriage counseling.
This grant enables researchers to test this theory in individuals with traumatic brain injury.
If you have a feeling that you are experiencing ketosis symptoms above, then test your theory!
A wealth of observational evidence made it possible to test the theory against a cosmic instead of a local background.
I can successfully design experiments to test theories about how chemicals function in the body, and investigate abnormal biochemical conditions with quite a lot of ease.
I have tested his theory on audiences since then and can attest to it's validity.
We'll test that theory of course, but it sounds good thus far.
To this day, I regret that I have never tested this theory.
I haven't tested this theory, but I was wondering what other may think of it.
The allergy is not fully understood, and scientists are still testing theories.
Only thing I can do is test this theory out myself.
The researchers tested their theory using mouse models of Alzheimer's, employing high - resolution imaging techniques to pinpoint when and where synapse loss occurred.
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