Sentences with phrase «testing at water fountains»

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About 20 percent of the Long Island school districts that said they tested for lead in water at their schools reported finding the metal at levels that caused them to shut down fountains and replace fixtures, according to a Newsday / News 12 Long Island survey.
Elevated levels of lead caused officials in New Jersey's largest school district, Newark Public Schools, to shut off water fountains at 30 school buildings until more tests could be conducted.
Buffalo Public Schools have been working with the Erie County Health Department to test the water at several thousand faucets and drinking fountains across 58 schools in the district, said Elena Cala, the district's spokeswoman, on Friday.
The school district released the results of testing water for lead at all 63 school buildings, which showed 308 outlets had levels above the EPA's action limit, including 18 fountains and 33 faucets typically used for consumption or food preparation.
Just to make sure, I swabbed a subway car handrail and had it checked for two bugs that are often in the news lately, E. coli and staph bacteria, as well as for a general measure of bacterial activity, known as the standard plate count, or SPC.. The E. coli and staph test came back negative, and the rail's SPC count of 480 compared favorably with the SPC of 200,000 that was obtained from a swab taken at a water fountain in a park near DISCOVER's offices.
Another reason is that only three of 10 fountains and sinks tested at Emerson - Bandini in early March had water with lead coming from them, meaning the problem seems to be localized within the school.
The initial testing plan said a water fountain or faucet should be taken out of service if it tested at 10 parts per billion or higher.
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