Sentences with phrase «testing patients»

For example, two of the best studies on sleep deprivation tested patients for 8 weeks.
In tests patients are hearing about 80 per cent of what an external microphone would provide, he says.
As evidenced by the video and recent reports from test patients, the gear is a big hit (here's a photo gallery).
If a medical doctor tested a patient and certified he / she would never develop diabetes or heart problems, the doctor would lose his medical license!
The typical tasks of a respiratory therapy assistant include testing patients, monitoring patients, operating equipment to administer gases and drugs, teaching patients on using home equipment, and maintaining records.
Through careful and thoughtful evaluations our psychiatrists test patients behavior, personality, and capabilities in order to understand the needs of our patients and how best to help.
When primary care physicians routinely screen adults over 65, it doesn't appear to result in better outcomes than only testing patients with symptoms such as blurred or distorted vision, sensitivity to bright light or difficulty seeing in low light, the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force (USPSTF) concluded.
Even though early detection of vision difficulties may lead to better quality of life, greater independence and a lower risk of falls in older adults, routine screening doesn't appear more effective than only testing patients with symptoms, the USPSTF reports in JAMA March 1.
Here at the UltraWellness Clinic, we usually test patients before recommending supplements, and source our supplements from reputable brands that meet safe manufacturing practices.
Ultimately, a commercial testing kit would be developed to allow clinicians to test patients before they receive treatment to guide them to the most effective treatment,» he said.
We did recently test a patient at Lien Animal Clinic suspected to have influenza but the test came back negative.
They would test patients by exposing them to odors in a «blinded» situation, where they did not know what they were being exposed to, or they were told harmful odors were present when there were no odors at all.
Since cosmetics and hygiene products generally are exposed to air when used, it is important to use air - exposed fragrance compounds when testing a patient for allergic reactions, and not only the pure fragrance compounds.
Since dairy can be inflammatory for many people and frequently causes gas, bloating and abdominal pain, we often test our patients for dairy intolerance.
UPDATE 18:00 3 June 2009: The UK Health Protection Agency has now changed its rules to recommend testing any patient with flu - like symptoms for swine flu, whether or not they have contacted people or countries with the virus, and especially between the ages of 5 and 44.
The company recently tested a patient flow system at the Chatham - Kent Health Alliance hospital in Chatman, Ont.
The California lab doesn't currently test patients, but the company's Arizona lab is still up and running.
For example, he injected the toxin into multiple locations in test patients without properly noting the location of each injection.
So Starner tested patients with quadriplegia and found that MMT boosted hand sensation and agility.
Additionally, Weinstock and his team believe current national guidelines to routinely admit, observe and test patients after a clean emergency department evaluation for chest pain should be reconsidered.
«Clinicians should consider testing patients for OSA as OSA is very common in patients with Type 2 diabetes.»
When Rizzo finally secured a grant in 2005, his ideas were quickly validated: Three months after completing 11 virtual reality sessions, 16 of 20 test patients no longer met the criteria for ptsd.
According to the study authors, death, heart attacks or other serious heart events occurred in 3.3 percent of CTA patients and 3 percent of functional stress test patients across the 25 - month follow - up period.
Starzl tested these patients, hoping to see something consistent; he observed donor cells in various tissues and blood.
We've devised ways to test patients using new imaging technologies to measure the health of their retinal ganglion cells and of their fibers entering the optic nerve.
When you decide to participate in TRT, the clinic will take testosterone therapy and prostate cancer and any other possible problem into consideration and test the patient accurately and thoroughly.
Even conventional doctors are jumping on the bandwagon and more frequently testing their patients» Vitamin D levels and recommending supplementation as most Americans have levels way too low to reap any Vitamin D health benefits.
So Bond can usually test patients right away instead of requiring a several - hour stay.
However, if doctors are in fact testing for Ebola, then these doctors should follow suit and potentially test their patients as well.
Helped cardiac nurses with regular stress tests and nuclear stress tests by hooking up patients to 12 - lead electrocardiograms as well as checking blood pressures and symptoms pre, post and during the test
Conduct Visual Field Tests using the Humphrey Field Analyzer to test patients peripheral vision
• Evaluated and tested patient monitors, electrocardiographs, blood - gas analyzers, and x-ray units before deployment.
A hearing aid dispenser tests patient's level of hearing impairment and suggests devices for that.
I am now testing patients with ALL (Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia), using R...
These practices encompassed the clinical and the pathological, from testing the patient's reflexes to dissecting the brain.
For example, optometric medical assistants work closely with optometrists in testing patients» eyes, instructing patients on the proper use of contact lenses, and providing basic assistance during eye exams.
However, doctors usually only test patients» blood just before a new dose, so they have no way of knowing if white blood cell levels drop to dangerous levels following a treatment.
Celiac disease can be definitively diagnosed using a two - step process: Doctors test the patient's blood for the presence of intestine - attacking antibodies activated by gluten, and, if those tests come back positive, they order a biopsy (or series of biopsies) to look for intestinal damage, any evidence of which confirms the diagnosis.
Finally, he often tests his patients for the MTHFR gene mutation, which gives you an idea of how well your body is methylating.
Lang doesn't test her patients to see if they are highly hypnotizable.
It is difficult to say how many children with epileptic encephalopathy have the DENND5A mutations, but now that the gene has been identified as a cause, researchers around the world can begin to test patients for mutations in this gene.
Although we only tested patients with a clinical diagnosis of depression, future work may be able to include larger groups of patients across a variety of mental disorders and examine whether patients could be classifiable based on their attachment status.
«To gauge the impact of emotions on investment decision making, we tested patients whose emotional circuitry had been impaired due to an accident or a stroke,» explains Baba Shiv, an associate professor of marketing at the Stanford Graduate School of Business and co-author of the study.
The first complaint accused the company of instructing employees to test patients» blood using Theranos» devices even though there was evidence of «major stability, precision, and accuracy» issues.
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